Restarting after a break

Hey guys!

I'm returning to MFP after a very long hiatus. I used to weigh 220lbs, last time I weighed myself I was 141. I am a 24 year old female, 5'6. I want to get down to 135lbs. I am currently during T25 after having done 3 rounds of Insanity. I currently have my goal set to 1lb per week...I'm thinking that may be too high, but I'm not sure.

Also, I was wondering if you guys had any tips on how I'm diary is open. I am a medical student currently studying in the Caribbean, so my time and money is extremely limited. I try to do the best with what I have at my disposal.

Thanks for the tips in advanced.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Congrats on getting back on the horse and congrats even more on the weight loss! WOO HOO!!!!

    I don't see why 1lb per week would be too high, it's a nice goal to have! Why not also look at a fat loss percentage or pant size? With programs like Insanity and T25 (I have both as well), the weight loss SEEMS like it stalls but it's because your metabolism skyrockets and you wind up seeing progress in measurements, pant sizes and photos instead.

    As far as your eating goes, because your metabolism is already super high due to your awesome taste in workouts I would definitely recommend UPPING your calories to around 1600. Perhaps try adding another snack to your meals. When you eat regularly throughout the day (re: every 2.5 to 3 hours) it keeps your metabolism and energy high so that you burn fat ALL day long!

    Does that help?