I'm scared and alone. Help!



  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Happy to help support, motivate and let you know what works for me :)
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    You need to sit boyfriend down and explain to him that while you appreciate him liking you the way you are, YOU want to like you and that is going to require working on your lifestyle and making it a healthier one. Explain to him that his support is important. Help him understand.

    I am also doing this lifestyle alone. My suggestion? SPEND some time alone. It's okay. Drug addicts (not that its similar, but junk food SORT of is! eating unhealthy is addicting and what we're used to ) are told to spend time alone after rehab. Makes sense if you think about it. If a person who used to do certain behaviors around specific groups of people or whomever, they're going to be around old habits/old ways. What I did was spend a few weeks learning the new lifestyle and getting into a habit of it. I still saw my loved ones. Just ate, prepped my own meals and worked out alone. It was empowering! I got into the habit of it and although i was nervous to eat around my friends and boyfriend again, I did it! (I explained to them what I was trying to do) once my boyfriend saw the success I've had, he is slowly adopting my habits (hes one of those lucky guys that worked out in highschool and still look pretty good as a result despite not really doing so after..)
  • jadesdca
    jadesdca Posts: 17 Member
    I'm so sorry about your lack of support at home. The good news is your bf thinks your beautiful no matter how much you weigh, which is great (though not super motivating for the girl trying to lose weight). It's also tough when you don't have control over what you eat.

    Here is a trick I've found helpful for me: Fat Girl Friday! Be sure to celebrate the weekly "holiday" of Fat Girl Friday. Heck, embrace it! Whenever I tell people I can't have that chocolate cake today because it's not Fat Girl Friday, they always chuckle and don't press the issue. The point of Fat Girl Friday is that you are "good" all week and eat whatever you want with no guilt on Friday ONLY. I found that for me, it was easier to say "no" during the week when you know you CAN say yes on Friday. That way you're only eating that junk only one day a week instead of 7 (thus encouraging moderation). I also found that even on FGF, I don't go crazy with the junk either. I think this is because subconsciously, I don't want to derail my good habits/choices of the week and also, I'm getting acclimated to eating right and liking it. :)

    You need to find something that works for you. Hang in there - you can do it!! :)
  • sheltony
    sheltony Posts: 73 Member
    MMmmmm....you have a lot of weight on your shoulders that's keeping you from dealing with the weight you want to lose on the rest of your body. It's hard to break habits. You have to be wanting something worse than any junk food. My favorite saying lately is "If it's not hunger, food won't fix it". Try to imagine your ideal coming true. You've cared for yourself and taken super good care of yourself and life is working out well. People treat you with respect because you stand and walk and talk like someone who respects themself. Try to keep that picture in your mind. Use every sense to feel it, see it, hear it, even smell it. Then slowly make little changes in your habits. You usually reach for xxx and then feel bad afterwards. Make a decision to do something different when you start to reach (maybe make yourself leave the room and walk 100 steps. Count the steps.) AFTER you've distracted yourself and completed the activity you've given yourself, decide if you still want to do what you thought you did. Take a minute to be grateful for the change in your mind. Picture that new person who cares and respects herself. Oh yeah. Be happy with yourself for a minute. Savor that happiness. It happens one little step at a time.

    Friend me if you want. I've been on MFP since April or May and have made over 20 pounds in changes. It works. Wishing you great courage and great success in your efforts...Yvette