Hello! ^__^

Hello. Call me Aby. I am a 22 y/o from an Asian country and I've been fat since 7 years ago when I was 15 after I got dispatched from the hospital. I got dumped by my ex who is now hooked up with a skinny girl (ouch!). And now, I've gained 66 pounds (double ouch!) from my normal weight of 121 pounds seven years ago. I am trying to be that confident girl with 121 pounds once again. Right now I've been doing the 1200 calories diet, drinking 2-3 liter of water a day, and I have been doing both Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 exercises in one day. It has been a week since I practice this way of lifestyle and so far it has been great! I feel refreshed and I don't crave for anything nor I feel starving at all! So I hope to have people to support me since I am alone on doing this big thing and I really don't want to do this halfway. Please introduce yourself here too because I'd like to have some friends here to go through this journey together. \(^__^)/