Help Please.

I had a rough 2 days and do i've been over eating. I have bad acid and heartburn also. What do I do?


  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Stop overeating as of today. Log everything that goes in your mouth.

    For the heartburn, have you tried OTC remedies? In extreme cases, I find drinking a small glass of baking soda and water helps the really bad heartburn. Vomiting does too, but obviously that is a very last resort method. Do you get bad heartburn frequently?
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    You take something to help alleviate the heartburn and move on. Nothing you can do about a few bad days but accept it and learn from it. Find an alternate source of comfort from stress?
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    It's fine, everybody does it... sorry to hear you had a stressful couple of days. Just get back on track as quick as you can. Also a pinch of bicarb of soda in water should neutralise the acid. :smile:
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    :( That doesn't sound too good! Don't beat yourself up, just decide today to get back on track! Grab a few antacids and make healthy choices today! Your past doesn't need to indicate your future! Working out is actually the BEST WAY to relieve stress so go move that body!