Reduce colostrol

How to reduce the colortrol from our body?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Cholesterol, once again Google my friend.
  • RachMarie247
    RachMarie247 Posts: 26 Member
    Animal product are the only food with Cholesterol (meat, dairy, eggs), so to reduce your Cholesterol, you need to limit your intake of these foods, particularly eggs yolks, red meat, and dairy. Cutting saturated/trans fats would help too, and of course if you are overweight, losing some weight with diet and excirsise. Some foods that HELP with cholesterol are whole grains, beans, and nuts, and foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Cortisol is not cholesterol.

    OP, have you been diagnosed with a high cortisol level by your doctor..?
  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
    Animal product are the only food with Cholesterol (meat, dairy, eggs), so to reduce your Cholesterol, you need to limit your intake of these foods, particularly eggs yolks, red meat, and dairy. Cutting saturated/trans fats would help too, and of course if you are overweight, losing some weight with diet and excirsise. Some foods that HELP with cholesterol are whole grains, beans, and nuts, and foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables.

    Nope. Many studies have proven that dietary cholesterol does not play a role in raising blood cholesterol levels. However there is evidence that certain whole grain can help reduce it.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Animal product are the only food with Cholesterol (meat, dairy, eggs), so to reduce your Cholesterol, you need to limit your intake of these foods, particularly eggs yolks, red meat, and dairy. Cutting saturated/trans fats would help too, and of course if you are overweight, losing some weight with diet and excirsise. Some foods that HELP with cholesterol are whole grains, beans, and nuts, and foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables.

    Don't know if OP is talking about cortisol or cholesterol, however egg yolks actually have lots of "good" cholesterol, HDL's, which is what we want. Although it is debatable. I know many people who eat a lot of eggs, me being one of them. I think it depends on how you eat them. If you fry them in oil and butter, then yeah, cholesterol will go up. I mix it up with egg beaters though, too, sometimes. Carbs, not from whole wheat/grain sources, but the processed kind, actually raises cholesterol also, along with animal fat and oils. Eat more fresh produce, and exercise more. Eat more whole grains, whole wheat, and oats. Oatmeal and cheerios are good for lowering cholesterol levels also. The fiber in fruits and veggies actually "scrubs" your arteries, so to speak, and reduces the plaque, build up. ;)