So scared to lift heavy...need some pl help



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I would go with compound lifts - squats, deads, over head press, bench press, pull ups/chin ups, etc - learn these moves and then incorporate them into three day a week total body routine where you hit arms/legs/shoulders/legs/back and mix in two sessions of cardio or HIIT a week....

    Not familiar with stronglifts but I believe it incorporates a lot of you could go with that ..

    I hear chalean extreme is just low weigh, very high rep stuff, which I would avoid..
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    The first is after a 10lb. loss doing just cardio (eating 1200-1300 calories a day). I decided to switch to weights instead. The second is after 3 months of lifting (I was eating around 2300 calories a day)

  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    The women's SL group is incredibly helpful and supportive:

    (Side note--for anyone considering doing SL and not wanting to read Mehdi's 30 page .pdf, the stickied threads will give you everything you need)

    I was incredibly intimidated when I started in June, and to this day I still have to fiddle with how much weight to add due to my being petite. A lot of it will be trial and error, but it has been incredibly worth it not only for the aesthetic benefits but for the confidence factor. The whole point of lifting progressively heavy is that it is ALWAYS going to be uncomfortable. So when you put that additional weight on and really push yourself, you find out things about yourself you never knew. Like someone said, you will be surprised at how strong you are.
  • gemheath2010
    gemheath2010 Posts: 68 Member
    Hiya - i just wanted to reply and tell you that i probablay could have written this post myself a few months ago, after months of reading about the benefits of lifting heavy, and seeing the results of those ladies that did it, i decided that i wanted a go, and decided to start a programme. To start with i was terrified of the 'mens section' was so scared that i was doing it wrong or looked like a total idiot doing it - the ladies here were really encouraging and made me see that there was nothing to be scared off, and whilst i didn't feel very confident i just got in there and did what i was in there to do and get out.
    I would recommend that you start with any of the programmes mentioned above, such as strong lifts, starting strength and new rules of lifting for women - they are all really fab programmes. Also if you really are that nervous use some earphones and listen to music to drown out the sounds
    I promise that after a few months you will be as addicted as the rest of us, and wondering what you were so worried about :happy:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You can look at my profile pictures for a woman that lifts heavy or look at a deadlift video from last nights training.

    No super bulky.

    Sumo lift 285. Damn. NICE lady. very impressed- I don't particularly care for it- but I give a big hell ya to anyone who can!!!

    LOL my 285 look sketchy as hell and it's a traditional dead. good for you. :D

    yeah- you look stupid bulky- I never want to do that LMAO
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I am doing New Rules of Lifting for Women. I love it because it has a good variety, but I also think it would work well for someone who is intimidated about lifting heavy. Stage 1 starts you at higher reps (15) and works you down each week, so you start with less weight (still lifting heavy for the sets) and increase the weight every time you decrease the rep number. This gives you a good start because in the beginning it feels more like the strength routines women are "used to" but it forces you to make regular progressive increases and gets you comfortable with lifting heavy. It has also shrunk almost 2 inches off of my waist and given me back the legs I had in high school after just over a month.
  • Suzd1976
    Thanx a lot everybody. Going to start strong lifts from tom so gonna watch all the videos on tubule today so that I don't go wrong with the form.Also will buy the book nrolw as I have heard it's really very informative. Thanx once all have been so so helpful