Do You Use 'Gadgets and Gizmos' To Help Motivate You?

I've noticed that I tend to use interesting (to me!) items to get me going to the gym. And I'm always on the lookout to reward myself with a new gadget.

Here's my list of items for the gym:

Vibram 5 Fingers - Essentially for 'barefoot' running. I tried them first because I noticed my feet going numb on the elliptical.

Fitbit - I've gone through 3 of these (lost 2 of them at two different jobs) and I've ordered the Fitbit Force. Getting 10,000 steps has been my main motivator to go to the gym.

iPod 5 - Splurged on this primarily to get the apps I wanted.

MiiKey MiiRhythm Wireless Headphones - I hate wired phones and can't handle stuff in my ears, so this was a good find for me. Cheaper than the Beats too. They're a little heavy, but I have no problem wearing them for a couple of hours at a time.

Apps - The ONLY REASON I manage to keep running has been Zombies, Run! You're a runner after the zombie apocalypse (an important job since you pick up essentials while running). It works with your playlist and if you have zombie chases turned on you will start to hear zombies moaning in your ears and get louder and louder. To escape you need to put on a burst of speed and sprint! Two seasons and a little pricey if you don't take into account how much storyline is there. Still cheaper than most audio books and I'm really enjoying it.

Fitocracy app - Not as comprehensive as MFP but it's really useful for logging exercise. Plus you get points and level up, which helps keep me motivated.

Does anyone else have cool stuff I can keep a lookout for?


  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 139 Member
    No, but you just gave me a bunch of ideas for my gym rat son! Thank you!
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I upgraded/switched to iphone 5 to eliminate gadgets. I would go to the gym and have my evo cell phone, my iPod 3rd gen with Nike+ attached and my HRM chest strap/watch. With the new iphone I could combine my music, nike+, and cell. Once I get a new HRM chest strap (with Bluetooth) I can eliminate the watch.

    I have the nike+ app, the runtastic squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups apps along with a few other to encourage me switch things up and improve my fitness.

    I also want to get an Up by Jawbone.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I so want to try that Zombie run. One of my MFP friends uses it and it sounds fun.

    I have to have my HRM because I track my sessions, fitness level, calories burned, etc. through it. I forgot my chest strap yesterday and was totally bummed about my HRM missing a killer session.

    I also have to have my iPod. It's the old school classic and holds all the music I need to get me through the workout.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Zombies, Run...yes. Also Zombies Run Couch to 5k.
    Bodymedia Link, So I get better ideas of how my day/week/month is I like having all the data, and being able to set goals in my workouts, like burn 100cals for my "Quick, jump up and work out for 10 minutes because you've been sitting surfing the net for 2 hours". 10 minutes puts me over that goal. Also my wife uses her's to track her steps, so at night she sets her workout goal for 1/2 of what she needs to hit 10k. When it tells her she hit it, we turn around and walk back.
    JeFit app to track my weight workouts (weight/reps/sets)
    Sworkit app and website to give me body weight quickie workouts, stretching, and yoga.
    Fitocracy because I like the levels.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Personally I use everyone of those except the apple products. I'm an android guy.

    That said, my five fingers are fantastic, both for running and heavy lifting.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Fitbit, Runkeeper and I use wireless headphones when I walk or run outdoors. This time of year they keep my ears warm, too.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I don't consider my Vibrams a gadget. They're my hiking/lifting shoes. ( I use some Nike free 3.0 for my running and Zumba)

    I have a polar HRM
    I use an interval timer app for biking
    C25K app for running
    BeyondPod app to manage the podcasts I listen to while working out.
  • cool thread ...i'm about to download JEFIT !! i need a way to keep up the the weights - thanks !! now that i THINK i really understand TDEE - i'm loving the new body media set up , so much in fact that i'm back to wearing the body bug all day again
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Yes, trying new gadgets and apps adds some excitement into the process when my motivation might start to lack otherwise.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I've been using MyFitnessPal, FitBit, and MapMyFitness. I'm going to try some of the others that were suggested. Thanks!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    3 different HRM's (ft7, f40, bluetooth)
    Fitbit Ultra
    Bodymedia Fit (only one I still have out of all the devices from above)

    Samsung Galaxy S3 & Galaxy Tab 2 = various apps (Endo, RunDouble, MFP, and exercise app)

    New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women (kindle)

    JLabs Bluetooth headphones

    I'd like one of the new watch/GPS/HRM but I can't afford them (200-300+)

    Vibrams - but I've been wearing them 24/7 for over 2 years now, so not really a gadet per say.
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    cool thread ...i'm about to download JEFIT !! i need a way to keep up the the weights - thanks !! now that i THINK i really understand TDEE - i'm loving the new body media set up , so much in fact that i'm back to wearing the body bug all day again

    I have the jefit app to, but don't do too much strength trainnf right now, although I should.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    Fitbit - I've gone through 3 of these (lost 2 of them at two different jobs) and I've ordered the Fitbit Force. Getting 10,000 steps has been my main motivator to go to the gym.

    Apps - The ONLY REASON I manage to keep running has been Zombies, Run! You're a runner after the zombie apocalypse (an important job since you pick up essentials while running). It works with your playlist and if you have zombie chases turned on you will start to hear zombies moaning in your ears and get louder and louder. To escape you need to put on a burst of speed and sprint! Two seasons and a little pricey if you don't take into account how much storyline is there. Still cheaper than most audio books and I'm really enjoying it.

    Does anyone else have cool stuff I can keep a lookout for?

    I just got my Fitbit, and you are right, the step counter is motivating. I also like how it links wirelessly to MFP. I particularly like it for monitoring my sleep... sleep is SO important for weight loss and general health.

    Does Zombies, run work with cycling? (Would love the fun of raising intensitiy to escape the zombies, lol).

    Sorry, I don't have any new things to offer. My gym gear is basically an iPod shuffle (because it's tiny), my Fitbit, a bottle of water and my towel. Though I'm going to check out the Fivefinger right now since my foot goes numb on the elliptical, too!
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Run keeper, fitbit, and mfp are my go to!!! Although I admit I have asked for a garmin watch for Christmas!!! I can't wait to use it!!
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I bought a dry-pak and waterproof headphones for my ipod, and I love it!

    It was only $30, but has been a pretty big motivator for making me swim more often. I want one of those waterproof Ipod shuffles, as they're less bulky and whatnot, but right now I'm keeping that as a bigger reward for myself (when I can swim 100 laps in under an hour, I'll get one).

    Also, not really gadgets, but whenever I get new workout clothes or anything, I love going to the gym! I have to buy more today because my yoga pants and most of my sports bras are too big, and that's a huge motivator for going to the gym more, partly because it's evidence that working out is helping me lose weight (my main goal) and partly because I end up buying some pretty darn cute workout clothes and love wearing them.
  • EricaFaythe
    EricaFaythe Posts: 37 Member
    I personally LOVE my gadgets. I have:

    1) A Garmin HRM
    2) Jaybirds wireless headphones
    3) A Motoactv

    It's extremely motivating to be able to watch my progress, see my stats, and pump my music all from the same device (the Motoactv). I love them, and my workouts improved tremendously when I started using them.
  • CarlaTurc
    CarlaTurc Posts: 32 Member
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Fitocracy seems like a cool app! I do love gadgets. I have a Garmin and I have used Polar products forever. Just bought the new Loop and in the past I've used the Bodybugg. For hiking I have two Geigerrig packs. Great for sharing water with my dog.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Strava and an HRM are great. Have a new bike coming, that one will have a Garmin cycling computer with a full complement of bike + body sensors.

    What can I say, I geek out on this stuff. :)