Are these calories enough?

Hello guys.
I've read alot in the past few weeks about weight loss and so, and have been at a lower calorie rate for about 5 weeks already, I've done the 30 day to shred and I'm currently on the fourth day of T25.
Anyway, I calculated my TDEE first at 2265 cal/day with no exercise, 90 kilograms, I subtracted 500 calories from it to arrive at 1765 to which I added about 180 calories everyday from doing 30DS.
I've since the start lost about 6 kilograms, and so my current caloric intake is 1705. (I'm at 84-84.5 kgs atm)
Now to the important part: In the get it done nutrition guide that came with T25 It says that I should take about 1600 calories per day, I found that too low and just resumed my 1705 cals/day, but I now ask if I should add T25 to my exercise cals or not? So far for the past three days I've not added it, I also can't know the number exactly as I don't own an HMR and I'm really too poor right now to buy one, so anyway, thanks.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    If you're using the TDEE method then you don't eat back exercise calories as that was factored in when you did your calculations.

    if you're using MFP numbers then you do eat back exercise calories as they factor the number without exercise.
  • You figured out your TDEE without exercise so from the beginning you were underestimating your activity level. You can do one of two things.

    1) Keep your TDEE at sedentary. Subtract 500 calories to arrive at a 1 pound deficit (or subtract 20%..whichever you prefer). And then add back your exercise calories.

    2) Choose an activity level that takes into account your exercise (5-7 hours a week I would guess) and then subtract 500 or 20% from that to arrive at a target and eat that amount every day and don't worry about adding anything back. Here's a calculator you can use to make it easier.