Hi from Munich


I found this fantastic site just a few days ago. Actually I never would have found it without the android app (which is great, too!)

I'm 43 years old, mom of 3 children, and I've been wanting to lose weight for the most time of my life, but I wasn't really overweight until I got my children. After my first child it was still okay (I was very slim before the first pregnancy) but after my second one I started being overweight and kept putting on weight for the next 16 years.

This has to change now - I have to lose at least 30 kg and I want to get fit and healthy.

I live in Germany, so I use kg instead of lbs :wink:

See you,



  • Trudegk
    Trudegk Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there!

    I am a Norwegian woman of 47 and just like you I have found this site through the android app. :-)
    It looks great and I think it is just what I need to keep me on track.
    I think we have come to the right place, don't you? ;-)
    I need to lose about 10 kg, and if you want you can add me as a "weight-loss-buddy" :-)

    Best wishes
    Trude (with German ancestors way back.. :))
  • peanut1967
    peanut1967 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Trude,

    thanks for your invitation, I just added you as a buddy :)

    One question: I still don't understand how the blogging works. I cannot enter the blog of a person from within a profile, do I? So how do I find blogs by name?
