Bye bye baby weight!

Hi all! I had a baby just over 2 months ago and am still 17 pounds over pre-baby weight, but would ideally like to lose about 20. I am brand new to myfitnesspal and hoping to find a friendly community to help me on this journey.

The heaviest I have ever been was about 10 years ago when I hit 220 lbs. One day I looked at the scale and at myself in the mirror and was horrified at how I let myself become that big. I started running (very very slowly, I have been through the couch to 5k program 2.5 times now and before baby I was still only running an 11-12 minute mile) and was going to nursing school where a required nutrition course opened my eyes. We had to track 3 days worth of eating as you do with myfitnesspal and then analyze our habits in a paper. That was, honestly, pretty life changing and I eventually ended up losing 60 pounds. I was 154 lbs before baby and though not ideal, I was finally edging out of the "overweight" BMI category into normal weight. I want to at least get back to that but my ultimate goal is under 150.

Motivation and determination are my weak points - I tend to give up far too easily and tell myself, "it doesn't matter if I eat this entire package of m&ms, I'm doing terribly anyway." I have started the couch to 5k program yet again and today will be running week 3 day 2, and am looking forward to entering a 5k race this spring. This is my third day of tracking foods and I am so excited to be here!