How can I regain motivation for weight loss?

I recently lost weight and went into maitanance. However, the scale slowly started creeping back up. I have now regained 5-6 pounds of the weight I lost. What are some tips to lose the weight again and be motivated to do so? Thanks for the advice!


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I have not made it to maintenance yet but one idea that comes to mind is setting new goals. Instead of a weight number to motivate, pick a physical fitness goal--like a 10k run in under some time. Maintenance is about lifestyle. Is your lifestyle keeping you fit and at the weight you want?
  • TrackGirl1418
    TrackGirl1418 Posts: 13 Member
    I feel like it. I run cross country and track for my school, so I know I get a lot of physical exercise. Although, I will admit I tend to feel more fit in track due to the increase in speed work. I just want to stop my weight gain before it gets out of hand...