Noob here, need help



  • RidingSolo19
    This is what I tell everybody who I know is starting to lose weight. There are three basic components - if you do all three, you will get healthier ... (notice - I didn't mention weight).
    #1 - diet. You need to eat "clean" (google what that means if you don't already know) and balanced (carbs, proteins, fruits, veggies, etc) and you need to drink a lot of water.
    #2 - cardio. You need to get moving. You need to do it three times a week ... at least.
    #3 - resistance training. If you are new to this - don't add it into your regimen until you've been doing cardio at least three times a week for a month.
    Weight loss is not magic - there is no one special trick that works for everyone and you have to measure your health by more than just weight (how do feel? are you smaller? do you have more energy? etc). Above all else - you have to be patient with your self and reward yourself for being consistent and sticking to it even when you don't see the results that you want, when you want them. Good luck - I wish you the best :)

    1) No one "needs" to eat clean. That is a preference.
    2) Cardio is great for overall fitness, yes. But you do not "need" it 3x a week.
    3) You also do not "need" resistance training, and if OP wants to do it, they do not need to do cardio for a month first.

    I do agree with your "weight loss is not magic", though.

    OP- You should strive for a balanced diet that fits into your calorie goal if you want to lose weight.

    If your goal is overall fitness, then look at incorporating exercise that you enjoy. This could be cardio, weight training, bodyweight exercises, workout dvd's, etc. The best type of exercise is the one you enjoy and will stick with.

    Thanks for the more gentle approach, and thnks for he advice, but what if u eat a like a few hundred calories less than fmp says?
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    OP, everyone is different and I'm sharing my info for your reference, not encouraging you to do the same. I like to read what other people do and weight to give me perspective on mine, to see if I"m way out of whack or not, so with that in mind, I am having very good success so far using 40c/30p/30f, which coincidentally turned out to be the same macros recommended in the Zone Diet, which you can research at your convenience.

    I don't stick perfectly to that, but use it as a goal (I tend to go over on fats, but I'm okay with that) and I net 1500 / day (eating back my exercise calories usually but not always, if they are really high). Enjoying exercise daily and am morbidly obese with much more to lose than you, and a lot of water, so my success is both fat loss and water loss (the initial rapid weight loss for a lot of folks is some amount of water, but I have a lot). My diet is designed to flush water as well as burn fat and it's working quite well for me.

    Hope this helps with giving you some reference or starting points for your research. GOOD LUCK!
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    This is what I tell everybody who I know is starting to lose weight. There are three basic components - if you do all three, you will get healthier ... (notice - I didn't mention weight).
    #1 - diet. You need to eat "clean" (google what that means if you don't already know) and balanced (carbs, proteins, fruits, veggies, etc) and you need to drink a lot of water.
    #2 - cardio. You need to get moving. You need to do it three times a week ... at least.
    #3 - resistance training. If you are new to this - don't add it into your regimen until you've been doing cardio at least three times a week for a month.
    Weight loss is not magic - there is no one special trick that works for everyone and you have to measure your health by more than just weight (how do feel? are you smaller? do you have more energy? etc). Above all else - you have to be patient with your self and reward yourself for being consistent and sticking to it even when you don't see the results that you want, when you want them. Good luck - I wish you the best :)

    1) No one "needs" to eat clean. That is a preference.
    2) Cardio is great for overall fitness, yes. But you do not "need" it 3x a week.
    3) You also do not "need" resistance training, and if OP wants to do it, they do not need to do cardio for a month first.

    I do agree with your "weight loss is not magic", though.

    OP- You should strive for a balanced diet that fits into your calorie goal if you want to lose weight.

    If your goal is overall fitness, then look at incorporating exercise that you enjoy. This could be cardio, weight training, bodyweight exercises, workout dvd's, etc. The best type of exercise is the one you enjoy and will stick with.

    Thanks for the more gentle approach, and thnks for he advice, but what if u eat a like a few hundred calories less than fmp says?

    If you eat under sometimes, that's not that bad. By "sometimes" I mean every once in a great while. The number that MFP gives you is what you should strive to hit every single day. If you workout, aim to eat at least 50% of those calories back, too.

    Under-eating consistently will end up stalling your progress in the long run. Your body is like a car, and food is like the fuel. You need it in order to keep yourself going.