Reviews on NatureBox?

Looking for reviews on naturebox. I currently buy a lot of organic type snacks from my local grocery store but it's less processed and has no hydrogenated oil. It can get very expensive. Looking at getting a monthly package of nature box because it appears to contain healthy snacks and seems cheap. Any thoughts?


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I've gotten 3 boxes from them, and I've loved every one of them. None of the snacks are exceptionally low-calorie, but they are minimally processed and low-sodium. The bags are big - usually 3-5 servings per bag - and I never get through all of it before the next one comes, so hopefully you have someone you can share with! You can also customize your box online and choose ones that suit your dietary needs better (I tend to avoid the granolas and go more for the dried fruit, nuts, and snack mixes). I always leave one space open for them to "surprise me." Nothing I haven't liked so far!
  • sarah3436
    sarah3436 Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds great. Thanks for your review. All the snacks online look tasty and nutritious!
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I have thought about doing nature box as well. I also recently heard of a box called "Graze". Very tempted to try it out
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got a couple of boxes. Some of them were very good, and others I wasn't too excited about. They included a free package of flavored almonds in my second box that were so bad I couldn't even give them away (although they were free so no harm/no foul). I decided they were a little expensive for me so I cancelled, but if you get in on one of their deals it's definitely worth trying.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    Never tried NatureBox but I just got my first Graze box and I loooved it! All the snacks were delicious and surprisingly low-cal- there are nutrition facts for all of them. There's a low-calorie option too and they're already portion-controlled. It's only $6 a month (1st and 5th boxes are free with a referral code). If you post on MFP asking for a referral code someone will hook you up- it's how I got mine!

    Edit- the graze box is definitely for one person only- it only has 4 individually-portioned snacks. I wouldn't do a naturebox because it looks like you get too much stuff for just me to eat (aka, it would be too tempting)- but it would be great for families I'm sure!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    My family enjoys Nature box. The snacks are good and the amounts you get are generous. I like letting them choose the snacks... it gets me to try new things.

    Someone online did a comparison with Graze and said the food was similar and they both had their advantages. He did say that Nature Box was a bit cheaper on a per serving basis, but it was actually pretty close, iirc.