Hot moms?! Anyone have crazy hormone issues?

Any input would be great! I have one 5 year old, and some seriously out-of-whack hormones. Not hormones that make me psycho (I don't think-- but I'm pretty sure my boyfriend might disagree) but hormone problems that cause weird body things to happen. I don't think it has directly impacted weight loss/gain but I definitely feel an impact on fatigue, stress, etc. I am open to advice on everything but namely how to deal with stress.

For the record I am 28 years old, 5'10.5" and at about 160 lbs right now. I was about 140 back before I had a kid, but I was really too tiny. I'm trying to build up some solid muscle and get toned up. It would be *really* nice to get a nice tight stomach.

Would love some new friends to help keep me in line. :wink: