Can I have a grain of salt with that please

Wanna know something that drives me nuts? It drives me nuts when someone asks a question and they get 20 different replies that all contradict each other...and every single one of them is RIGHT!

I know that this cannot be avoided on any forums or really anywhere in life where people can express their opinions so it's unavoidable but, for people on here who are looking to get their questions answered here is what I suggest-follow up!

If you ask a question about how many calories you should be eating, for example, and someone tells you to eat 1500 calories and no junk foods and someone else tells you to eat 1200 calories and all the junk foods that you want then it's time to dig deeper before you decide to impliment either of those choices.

You will want to think about: how long they have been trying to lose weight, how much weight they have lost, are they in similar circumstances to you (if they have type 2 diabetes and your healthy with no food issues then that can be like comparing apples to oranges), where they got the information, are they using the same thing themselves. Things like that.

If you take those things into consideration when figuring out what advice to follow and what advice not to follow then you have a better chance of success with the advice.

For another example, if you weight 130 lbs. and are trying to lose 5 lbs. and someone who is 300 lbs. is telling you they are losing weight by eating 2000 calories and not exercising-that's not going to work the same for you. If they are 140 lbs. and your 130 then chances are-unless there are some medical conditions involved-what works for them is likely to work for you!