Motivation and Support Needed

Hi All,

I am new to MFP, I went on Bernsteins last year and lost 40 pounds, it was so great, I looked awesome and everyone noticed!
They don't teach you how to eat or move! So 2,000$ later, I am up 20 pounds from when I started with Bernsteins! Thats up 60 pounds in less than a year!

I really need some help and support!
I would love to have people add me as a friend and I will support you in your journey as well!

I am currently 190, wanting to get down to 145.

Plus I would like some baby dust soon so I want to get in shape 1st!

Anyone out there?


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I will assume Bernsteins is a weight loss program of some sort? I try not to get sucked into those, they sound so good, but if you can't keep doing it, the pounds comes back, usually with friends!

    You have to make a lifestyle change, something you'll continuously do for the rest of your life. Start small. We used to eat a lot of fast food, and I mean a LOT. I started eliminating a few restaurants, putting them on a 'black list' of sorts. I spend 2 hours every two weeks at the grocery store, comparing products, reading labels, reading ingredient lists. I have specific things I won't touch, like partially-hydrogenated-whatevers, MSG, food colorings, loads of sugar and salt, get the idea. I would highly recommend talking to a nutritionist, they can personalize a diet plan for you, and your physician can help you with an exercise plan.

    I also recommend a series of books, called Eat This, Not That. It's going to feel like an overload of information, but start off with just a few changes, and once those have become habits, add more. Make yourself a list of what you're changing, and why.

    Don't get discouraged if you 'fall off the wagon' a time or two, you're human. It's ok to make some mistakes. Just forgive yourself, and go back to what you know is the right thing to do.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    I'm here!! :) I'm not sure what Bernsteins is but they should have taught you the basics so that you knew how to handle lifes pleasures after the program ended! Lets face it...losing weight is hard! BUT it's not impossible :) I am a fitness coach working one on one with people who are interested in cleaning up their diet, starting a new workout program, and staying accountable to reach their fitness goals. If you're interested in my support feel free to add me as a friend and/or message me :) I really would love to learn more about you and help you realize your potential - you already proved you could do it once!!

    Good luck :) Stay strong!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    wth is baby dust
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    You can add me if you like. I am about 190 now .. looking to go to 160. I figure I can get there by next March. That's the plan anyways.

    I log in here every day .. well since I learned of this place. I also log every day .. and currently go to the gym for cardio and weight training classes 4x a week.

    I used to eat poorly .. and eat junk food and just do bad things. But I have eliminated most if not all of the bad things.

    I would love to share with you along your journey.
    - Kevin -
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    hi there. I am back in the game today! Trying to find people to stay connected to. Baby dust to you! Send some my way as well. I have 2 but want more.

    You got this!
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Learning to eat daily and work to get fit is something more than most diet plans teach you. I've been at this and plan on remaining at it for the rest of my life. Join me if you want any support. Always glad to help.
  • LosingForH1m
    wth is baby dust