Trying to get back up

After three babies and many years of a sedentary lifestyle, that extra 50 pounds had to go! Last fall I started exercising and practicing healthy eating habits, and I lost 30 pounds in seven months! I was enjoying my exercise routine, and was ready to step it up and do some long-distance running, when I suffered a foot injury. I'll spare the boring details, except to say that the injury was not exercise related. I've had to recover for three months, and have only managed to maintain my weight on a 1200 calorie diet. I have been released to resume my previous activities by my doctor. I still want to lose the rest, but I have completely lost my zeal for exercise. When I do get up and move, I'm discouraged that I can't do as much as I did before the unpleasant interruption. I know it's realistic to start up again at a slower pace and build back up, but it's still got me bummed out. Can anyone offer any encouragement or suggestions to help me over this slump?


  • MaeRenee94
    Getting back is hard. But you have to get in the right mindset! Every time you go to workout or prepare a healthy meal, think of all the positive outcomes and how you will become much much better! Surround yourself with positive. With that being said throw out all your bad foods and keep what's good, keep what will benefit you! Get someone on bored with this lifestyle with you, it makes it easier and much more fun!!

    Goodluck :)
  • NeonHeartz444
    I think Tribe Sports helps a lot. It's what gets me so motivated. It's a site with a whole bunch of fitness fanatics and newbies to working out, it's also about dieting. :)

    If you decide to get onto tribesports, add me! Neonheartz444. :)
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Why not try to join a group fitness challenge? It'll get you moving again but at your own pace!

    If not, just remember that it takes time but you CAN get back to where you used to be! By not working out you'll NEVER get back to where you used to be and you don't want that! What workouts are you doing? It might also be time to find something new and fun to work out to while you work on getting the strength back in your foot!

    Does that make sense?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Find a 5K walk/run to join. I know we have a Halloween one(Zombie theme), a couple of different Turkey Trots and a Winter holiday one all coming up in my area. You can do something for a local charity and hopefully it will motivate you to get moving.