Difficulty losing weight while on medication


I have been taking seroquel for over a year now and since then i have gained 40lbs. It is very difficult to get the weight off. Does anyone have any ideas. Thanks!


  • Sarah_LM

    I have the same problem on seroquel, it makes me ravenous! And even if I'm careful with food, I still seem to lose weight very slowly, despite being 243lbs right now. I just accepted that I will lose weight slower than I'd like. At my weight losing 2 lbs a week is feasible but with the seroquel it ain't gonna happen as I'd be so hungry, so I accept 1 lb as more realistic. Also, if you aren't already, switch to the slow release, as it really helps with the side effects like hunger!
  • stephengreenway
    I too have gained weight while taking it. I have probably gained around 25 pounds in 9 months. I exercise with cardio and weights regularly. I am starting myfitnesspal (again) today! I have to do something. Hope you reach your goals.
  • DonnaMadeleine
    DonnaMadeleine Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all

    Exactly the same here. I'm really down today :(

    18 months ago I started on Citalopram. About a year ago I moved to Fluoxetine which is much better for me. In those 18 months though I've gained about 2 stone which I now want to lose. I'm more bipolar type, not depressed (still undergoing full diagnosis) so exercise helps burn energy when I'm hypo and keep me up and about when I'm down.

    I'm going the gym 3/4 times a week, one of those being with a trainer (who says my attitude and determination is awesome). I'm monitoring my eating.

    Been doing this for about 8 weeks and today we did my stats again, not lost a single pound and my body fat % and muscle % hadn't changed either...

    It's really got me down and majorly lost a bit of motivation this eve. Hopefully it'll pass but needed a whinge.