Why is there an ad for KFC in my header?

I need all the help I can get - big close up pictures of KFC burgers in the advertising header on MFP ain't helping. :huh: Or maybe this is a test! Yes that's it, gotta be a test.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Ads are based on your own browsing history. Were you looking up KFC or reading a post on it earlier? I have ad block - solves all those temptation problems.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Ads are based on recent browser history. You looked up or went somewhere related to fast food, fried chicken, etc...
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Their grilled chicken tastes amazing. One of the very few fast food items that I actually love.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Were you talking about KFC, or fast food, or chicken, etc in the forums?
  • iheartbiology
    iheartbiology Posts: 104 Member
    Phone or computer? If computer, you need to download AdBlock for your browser...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    KFC has burgers now? No one tells me anything. :angry:
  • tilmoph
    tilmoph Posts: 72 Member
    KFC has burgers now?

    I second this question and add two of my own; are they double-down style burger patty between buns of fried chicken? And ,more importantly, is there bacon?

    Oh and it's there because a. you looked up something fast food related and the ad generator pulled a fast food ad out of its cyberbutt for you to see or b. the ads are random and you drew the KFC card. Not sure what MFP uses for their ads.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Umm...Firefox with adblock will get rid of those pesky ads. I've never seen a single ad, and I love it that way. Seriously, I love KFC! Its usaully one of the lower calorie fast food places I eat at, because I always order green beans as my side. I love me some green beans...Mmmm
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    They've blessed me with a Popeyes 30 minutes from my house, now. I have no use for this KFC you speak of.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,109 Member
    Could just be clever contextual advertising, on the theory that a certain percentage of people visiting a calorie-counting website (a) gained the weight they're now trying to lose through eating fast food, and can be tempted, back or (b) are hungry enough from overly ambitious calorie restrictions to gnaw their own arms off and can easily be persuaded to consume chicken parts instead of their own body parts. Most of the ads I see are diet and workout related; I've assumed they're contextual rather than targeted from cookie-based tracking. Mmm, cookies...
  • haha theres an ad 4 fiber mini wheats in spanish in mine idky
  • Hehe went past KFC today - could just about taste it as I drove by! I did post once on the KFC Facebook page.

    What is Popeyes? We don't seem to have that here in New Zealand.

    Probably a good thing I'm a good 15 min drive from any fast food outlet.
  • Hi...so I just got a full page ad pop up for Whataburger! It explained in fine print that it was a word from "one of our sponsors"!!!
    How incredibly annoying is that??? I don't think it is based on browser history...I'm a vegetarian my whole life (for ethical reasons not health obviously or I wouldn't be here :-)) and I wouldn't eat a burger if I had to starve to death. Just sayin...
    I agree though...having sponsors of junk food ads is totally not helpful. I could certainly be tempted by a big ol pile of salty French fries myself! Darn it...planted the seed :-(
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Man, I love my junk food.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
  • Lizajayne23
    Lizajayne23 Posts: 123 Member
    Obviously, the ad software is leaching thoughts from our brains since I just had a big ol' Pizza Hut ad in mine. We don't use even Pizza Hut (Domino's delivers) but I am a pizza slut LOL