Noob wanting to get huge muscles with exercise!!!!!



  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    My favorite website is They have so much information and even the programs they have are free.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    The advice you have gotten is great. I would recommend finding a program instead of creating one on your own. At least until you get more experience.

    Starting Strength, Strong Lifts 5x5 are often recommended and have been proven to work but there are lots of others.

    This one looks pretty good to me also.

    200g of protein at you height and weight is a good target. Shoot for a minimum of 70g of fat. The rest of your calories can be made up of whatever you want. Carbs will give you good energy.

    Figure out what your maintenance calories should be and try to eat a couple hundred calories over that. Dont worry about meal timing or frequency. Its all nonsense. Just eat when you want to and try to get all your calories in. With your height, weight and activity level I have a feeling you will be eating all the foodz. Lucky.

    If you are running marathons you are probably good on cardio. Might want to scale that back a bit if it interferes with gaining weight.

    This link here is filled with great info you should try to read through. Will save you a ton of time on your learning curve.

    You may need a protein supplement if you have trouble reaching your goal but it is not necessary if you can reach it with your regular diet. Save your money and stay away from any others.

    Patience is also a key but you being a 20 year old male, new to lifting, you could see some major growth right away. Lucky.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Hang in there with this site ,you will find nice people that won't just point to Google .heck why come on this site at all if that's the answer

    because I know i'm the ONLY One who googles MANY sites before even thinking of posting a thread.... seriously. <headscratch>

    Every website has a search function- and google will hit MANY different sites.

    I try to be as helpful as I can- but that's a lot of questions that can/should be done in their own time researching.

    And yes- davpul spot on... sleep. cardio.

    lol that was probably a much shorter well put together answer. :) I like it.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Many, many times I google for the answer to a question someone on an internet forum asks (often because I'm interested myself), then tell them the answer.

    A lot of people live under rocks, it seems.

    The Elephant in the room seems to be 'juice'. From the little I've read (and it's not an area I've researched much, nor have gone near even considering for myself) - you can gain muscles pretty quickly if you bump your testosterone up.
    Of course, that's illegal. But, there's plenty of things showing cops doing illegal things. No idea if they drug test for any of them.

    As others have suggested - if you want to be a better cop, then muscles probably aren't the best thing to focus on.
    While having more muscles won't hinder you in man to man physical confrontations - better skill at dealing with those situations will make a much bigger difference I expect. Martial arts that deal with real life situations and holds etc.
    Better yet, brush up on your general interaction, negotiation and the like skills - so you avoid getting in to those situations in the first place!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Many, many times I google for the answer to a question someone on an internet forum asks (often because I'm interested myself), then tell them the answer.

    A lot of people live under rocks, it seems.

    The Elephant in the room seems to be 'juice'. From the little I've read (and it's not an area I've researched much, nor have gone near even considering for myself) - you can gain muscles pretty quickly if you bump your testosterone up.
    Of course, that's illegal. But, there's plenty of things showing cops doing illegal things. No idea if they drug test for any of them.

    As others have suggested - if you want to be a better cop, then muscles probably aren't the best thing to focus on.
    While having more muscles won't hinder you in man to man physical confrontations - better skill at dealing with those situations will make a much bigger difference I expect. Martial arts that deal with real life situations and holds etc.
    Better yet, brush up on your general interaction, negotiation and the like skills - so you avoid getting in to those situations in the first place!

    Not necessarily illegal (at least not in the States). Google "your doctor your dealer" for an interesting series.
  • Matt24442
    Matt24442 Posts: 324
    As others have suggested - if you want to be a better cop, then muscles probably aren't the best thing to focus on.
    While having more muscles won't hinder you in man to man physical confrontations - better skill at dealing with those situations will make a much bigger difference I expect. Martial arts that deal with real life situations and holds etc.
    Better yet, brush up on your general interaction, negotiation and the like skills - so you avoid getting in to those situations in the first place!

    As a criminology major, this right here. While some cops are huge, you really dont need to be that huge, sure you look intimidating but you just have to know how to defend yourself.

    I just commented in this thread cause i wanted to say that I am a criminology major....awkward
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm going to offer a counterpoint in favor of huge muscles. If you want to NOT have to defend yourself as often, get as big as you can. People are much, much, MUCH less likely to try the big guy on, whereas the average size or smaller guy (or female) will end up showing off those self defense skills more often. There's a reason the bouncer at the club is HYOOGE. The tiny guy might have the skills of Bruce Lee but he's going to be at risk every time someone tests those skills out.

    .....disadvantage of being HYOOGE is that they think they will be able to outrun you. So you might have to give chase more often. I'll take that over getting swung on tho.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Try Starting Strength. I don't think it's for everyone, but if you're a novice and looking to bulk, there are amazing gains to be had from it, and the novice period seems to be around 3-6 months.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Short answers -
    Base your routine around bench, OHP, squat, deads and rows.
    Eat. Eat some more. I like high protein, decent carbs.
    If you are just starting, you don't need supplements.
    Things to buy - don't worry about it yet, outside of a gym membership of course.

    And time, it will take time.
    Right answers.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JorisSt
    JorisSt Posts: 36
    After a workout dont eat carbohydrates. It has a negative effect on your growth hormones. So leave some time after the workout before eating. Growth hormones are important to gain muscles.

    Find out more of this usefull information on

    Joris St.