The MFP pseudoscience sanctuary.



  • LoudmouthLee
    Excuse me. My raspberry ketones and intermittent fasting is intefering with your hot sauce / maple syrup and lemon juice cleanse.

    Or something.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    anything that comes out of Dr. Oz's mouth
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    anything that comes out of Dr. Oz's mouth

    Anything funded by Oprah, for that matter. She's the queen of the woo.... Dr. Oz is a mere pawn.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Can we laugh at muscle testing too? I really want to laugh at muscle testing...
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    My sister just started the 5:2 diet.

    You eat 'normally' for 5 days, then eat less than 500kcals for two days.

    I think she is an idiot.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Oh jeez... I think I'm getting dragged into this stupid chiropractor thread.... I need to back away from the keyboard.
  • LoudmouthLee
    I'm serious... Let's start a ridiculously stupid fad diet. Call it something catchy. The Dragon's Semen Diet or something. Eating only hot sauce and various animal's reproductive organs.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I'm serious... Let's start a ridiculously stupid fad diet. Call it something catchy. The Dragon's Semen Diet or something. Eating only hot sauce and various animal's reproductive organs.

    100% sure that this will catch on.

    Ever wonder why the Chinese are so slim? Why they age so well? Why the live long healthy lives?

    The 'Year of the Dragon' diet is built from ancient eastern knowledge, which as we all know is far more reliable than modern medical science.
    The Chinese believed in the health benefits of 'Dragon Virility Juice' a derivative of dragon semen. (There is are plenty of pieces of art that clearly depict dragons in china, do not let the censoring of the modern media fool you!)
    If course, dragon semen is hard to obtain these days so we bring you a modern alternative milked from lizards.
    Simply knock back one load of 'dragon virility juice' a day, along with no food or water, for a month. The difference will amaze you!

    Order your dragon virility juice now for only 46 low payments of $89.99
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    Order your dragon virility juice now for only 46 low payments of $89.99

    Plus shipping and handling....
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Order your dragon virility juice now for only 46 low payments of $89.99

    Plus shipping and handling....

    And a one off $104 extraction fee.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    In the past two weeks I have gained 5 lbs, even though I have stayed within my calorie goals. I must have gone into starvation mode, and need to eat more!!

    That's when you just agree with 90% of the posts that follow telling them to do just that, eat more, :wink: cause they'll be back in a month saying they gained 10 more pounds and can't figure out why!!! :huh:
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    "I need to lose 50lbs in 2 weeks for my wedding, will this site help?"
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    My sister just started the 5:2 diet.

    You eat 'normally' for 5 days, then eat less than 500kcals for two days.

    I think she is an idiot.

    My partner bought a book for that, she never convinced me to try it though. Pretty much any diet with an associated book is crap.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    anything that comes out of Dr. Oz's mouth


    Also...Body by Vi
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    My sister just started the 5:2 diet.

    You eat 'normally' for 5 days, then eat less than 500kcals for two days.

    I think she is an idiot.

    Naw. That's just a new-ish way of approaching intermittent fasting. As long as you net a calorie deficit for the week, you will lose weight.
  • LoudmouthLee
    Heh. One load. Heh.
    I'm serious... Let's start a ridiculously stupid fad diet. Call it something catchy. The Dragon's Semen Diet or something. Eating only hot sauce and various animal's reproductive organs.

    100% sure that this will catch on.

    Ever wonder why the Chinese are so slim? Why they age so well? Why the live long healthy lives?

    The 'Year of the Dragon' diet is built from ancient eastern knowledge, which as we all know is far more reliable than modern medical science.
    The Chinese believed in the health benefits of 'Dragon Virility Juice' a derivative of dragon semen. (There is are plenty of pieces of art that clearly depict dragons in china, do not let the censoring of the modern media fool you!)
    If course, dragon semen is hard to obtain these days so we bring you a modern alternative milked from lizards.
    Simply knock back one load of 'dragon virility juice' a day, along with no food or water, for a month. The difference will amaze you!

    Order your dragon virility juice now for only 46 low payments of $89.99
  • Andy_83
    Andy_83 Posts: 270
    At uni our flatmate was constantly doing fad diets rather than just exercise and sensible eating so 2 of us decided to see if we could lose more weight than her just by letting ice cubes melt in our mouths (on the theory that a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to warm one gram of water by one degree) ok granted there's a definite nerdy element here I'm not proud of. All that happened was on about day 4 and about 6 trays each that afternoon he and I sat in a pub in the middle of summer with goosebumps. Smooth.
  • mrsduke2924
    mrsduke2924 Posts: 104 Member
    my boss - who currently thinks all fruit is bad, and tells me I shouldn't be chomping on bananas if I "expect to lose any weight" - apparently they're all "so full of sugar darling you'd be better off with a chocolate bar"
    And she has a bit of an issue with veg - but loves cauliflower/brocolli/leeks covered in as much cheese sauce as she can eat then lectures me about what to have.

    I'm 29lbs down since April, she has lost 2lb...

    Hmmmmmmmm. My store of patience wears thin :angry:

    Pass the bananas!
  • mrsduke2924
    mrsduke2924 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm serious... Let's start a ridiculously stupid fad diet. Call it something catchy. The Dragon's Semen Diet or something. Eating only hot sauce and various animal's reproductive organs.

    100% sure that this will catch on.

    Ever wonder why the Chinese are so slim? Why they age so well? Why the live long healthy lives?

    The 'Year of the Dragon' diet is built from ancient eastern knowledge, which as we all know is far more reliable than modern medical science.
    The Chinese believed in the health benefits of 'Dragon Virility Juice' a derivative of dragon semen. (There is are plenty of pieces of art that clearly depict dragons in china, do not let the censoring of the modern media fool you!)
    If course, dragon semen is hard to obtain these days so we bring you a modern alternative milked from lizards.
    Simply knock back one load of 'dragon virility juice' a day, along with no food or water, for a month. The difference will amaze you!

    Order your dragon virility juice now for only 46 low payments of $89.99

    ROFL! Aww hell I'm printing this for work - awesome.
    Where do I subscribe?! :laugh:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Oh where do I begin?

    ^^^^ this

    fruit is dangerous to humans in spite of the fact primates have lived off fruit for millions of years

    everything about the "paleo" diet that isn't actually palaeolithic

    sugar and sweet foods are as addictive as heroin and cocaine and you can do detox to rid yourself of cravings for them - quick! better go to the zoo and put all the other primate species in detox too!!! they crave sweet things too!! ya know, cause like the desire to eat sweet things didn't evolve in animals to make them seek out nutrient rich foods like fruit and honey.... no it's an addictive drug *sigh*

    breatharianism. i.e. doing what 600 million years of animal evolution couldn't do and developing the ability to photosynthesise.

    fruitarianism. i.e. only eating the parts of plants that the plant willingly gives up (a plant has a will??), so you don't kill or harm any animals or plants. sorry guys, you're animals. you have to eat other living things to survive. Sorry that you weren't born as a tree or a hydrangea bush or some other member of the plant kingdom, but you were born as an animal and that means you have to kill things to get the nutrition you need. nature is red in tooth and claw. sorry about that. even if you'd been born a tree, you'd have giraffes or something nibbling your leaves all day. And greenfly..... and you can't just walk down the pharmacy to get yourself a special shampoo to wash the greenfly out of your leaves, plants are just stuck there, they can't just get up and move somewhere else.