

  • gpies
    gpies Posts: 56 Member
    my kids aren't allowed peanut butter in our schools due to allergies so I often have to improvise with other things and lunch being a bit tricky (easily bored with the same stuff). We try things like ham and cheese wraps, bagel thins - newer lighter versions of bagels - with cream cheese or melted cheese, etc. I typically do one light type of sandwich, 1 fruit, and 1 treat like item such as 100 cal snack. My soon to be 3rd grader has only purchased lunch 2 times since starting kindergarten. Good for you for wanting to provide your child with a healthier alternative - I find the school lunches very poor for the cost you pay and the nutrients they should be getting.
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    Wow,...did everybody give you some really good food ideas. Please allow me to add just one point as a plea from a Kindergarten teacher. Whatever you pack, make sure your child can open it by themselves. Those gogurts and fruit cups can be a challenge to a kindergarten friend...have them practice before hand. It will make everyone's life so much easier!

    BTW...don't forget snack time too!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    my kids always get packed lunch and i i have done a bunch of sandwiches like pb&j, pb& banana, turkey, ham, chicken or cheese sandwiches. i've made them wraps and cut them so they have pinwheels. i've packed them pasta salads with grilled chicken. pizza sandwiches on pizza day at school was our compromise (they wanted the pizza from the caf but i can't afford them buying school lunch every pizza day since they do it here atleast 2x a week.) i've also just given them a bunch of veggies with cut up chicken to dip in something or other. i give them yogurts, applesauce, fruit, veg, popcorn, etc for snack and wwe only do water bottles here. i bought them reusable ones and they are very good about bringing them home. my youngest starts preschool this year so let's see if she brings hers home too.
  • sdwdickson
    sdwdickson Posts: 45 Member
    My daughter will be starting kindergarten this year also so I broke down and got the thermos funtainer as well. I tested it out one day and it does keep the food warm so she can enjoy a hot lunch some days.