Keep 'em, or trash 'em?

I'm curious what everyone else did. Clearly I have not always, or ever really, been a healthy eater. it's not how I was raised. I was raised on processed foods, frozen pizza, etc. When I moved out and had kids I swore I'd cook "real food". To me "real food" was something that I couldn't pull out of the pantry and all the needed ingredients be in that one box. So I'd cook, but I was still using a lot of processed foods. Boxed meals that I needed to add things to, etc.

Well right now if you look in my pantry there are several boxes of hamburger helper, pasta roni, etc. We havent eaten meals like this is a long time but I bought them while they were super cheap on sale and have just kept them as back up options if we get low on food, or need a really quick easy meal.

Now Ive been researching the frozen meal thing where you spend a day shopping and prepping REAL foods (like truly real. not what I thought was real several years ago) and making your own "freezer meals" and I think I'll do those as our "quick go to's" and doing real cooking at least 5 days a week. But what do I do with all of this...junk- I guess is what it basically is?

Keep it in case my plan doesnt work out as hoped, or trash it so im not even tempted by them and im forced to stick to the plan? And then if you vote trash them- I hate wasting food. So would you really trash them, or would you donate them?

seems silly but while id hate to actually trash them, and it be money thrown away., id also hate to give unhealthy food to someone else.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Donate. Someone else will really appreciate them.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
  • Please donate it, most food banks feed people who need any kind of food.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Definitely donate, because out there there are people who aren't worrying about their calories, but in fact if they'll have any to consume that day. :) I hate wasting food, too.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Donate, or keep them for a rainy day (we call it 'war food').

    Or hell, send it to me. Do you have any tuna helper?
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    Donate. Someone else will really appreciate them.

    ^ Agreed. :)
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Weight Loss Tips - With the advent of "supersize" meals and increasingly huge portions at restaurants, our concept of normal serving sizes is a distant memory. Be mindful of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting. When necessary, divide your food in half and ask for a take home bag. It is all too easy to be a "plate cleaner" even when served enormous portions. Learn to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed.
    FREE Ebook Download: How To Lose 5 pounds In A Week Easily!

    hey spambot...could you stop it?
  • jcmrax5
    jcmrax5 Posts: 133
    Weight Loss Tips - With the advent of "supersize" meals and increasingly huge portions at restaurants, our concept of normal serving sizes is a distant memory. Be mindful of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting. When necessary, divide your food in half and ask for a take home bag. It is all too easy to be a "plate cleaner" even when served enormous portions. Learn to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed.
    FREE Ebook Download: How To Lose 5 pounds In A Week Easily!

    Thank you for this. It all makes sense now. Solved every life problem i was having.
    Bless your little robot/spambot soul!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Another vote for donate. No reason to trash food someone else could really use. Good luck with everything moving forward OP. :flowerforyou:
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Weight Loss Tips - With the advent of "supersize" meals and increasingly huge portions at restaurants, our concept of normal serving sizes is a distant memory. Be mindful of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting. When necessary, divide your food in half and ask for a take home bag. It is all too easy to be a "plate cleaner" even when served enormous portions. Learn to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed.
    FREE Ebook Download: How To Lose 5 pounds In A Week Easily!

    5 pounds in a week? I'm off to download!
  • Donate.

    If you are feeling extra generous include a small giftcard for the meat and veggies.