Master's Dissertation: Nutritional Knowledge

Hi, I’m a master’s student studying health promotion & public health.

This is the last day of my data collection for my study on nutritional knowledge and eating habits amongst gym users to understand the relationship between the two and how this may change depending on the individuals desired health outcome from physical activity.

I am not far from my target of 100 replies although the more the better all that is required is to complete an online confidential questionnaire consisting of 47 questions found here:

Thanks for your help!


  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,293 Member
    Not a gym user here myself, but aren't you biasing your survey by asking people here to fill it in? MFP in itself probably makes people more aware of nutrition, especially the ones who participate in the forums.
    Just saying, your random group of people now suddenly contains a lot more diet conscious people.... as opposed to the dunderheads at the gym who don't care about what they put in, who aren't filling in any surveys, and won't be accounted for....
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I don't mean to be overly critical since you're a nutrition person and not a survey person...but generally, when you perform a survey on knowledge, "I don't know" should be an option. This way, you don't get people who guess because they don't know either way, and it's easier to judge how many people truly know or think incorrectly about something, and aren't just guessing as a 50/50 chance.