Help/Suggestions needed

susanleigh Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am new to this site and hopefully doing this post properly. We are doing a weight loss challenge at work and I joined to help motivate me as I start this weight loss journey concern is the amount of calories...MFP says 1260 and the challenge leader did the diet analysis on Diet to Go and came up with 1600. I followed the plan and tracked calories since last wednesday and lost only .80 pounds. I exercised 4 days last week. I don't want to get discouraged, but .80 pounds?


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    0.8 pounds is almost a whole pound! That's more than recommended for less than a week's time. MFP recommends 1/2 lb per week but will show you how to accomplish up to 2 lbs/week. If you are interested in losing more then try lowering your calorie intake a bit or increasing your exercise. MFP does not recommend you go below 1200 net calories (calories ON TOP of what you burned with exercise). Good luck to you!!!
  • rebel14
    rebel14 Posts: 33
    Dont get discouraged, keep up the diligence and youll be rewarded !!! Thats a modest/positive loss for less than a week on MFP.
  • Thanks everyone! I am trying to keep it positive! Sometimes it feels like you are working so hard, you just need to see that reward.
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