This NSV was a slap in the face... in a good way!

So I have been really down on myself for not losing weight quickly enough. The scale hasn't really been budging that much and I have been working VERY hard both nutritionally and in the gym. Well, yesterday we did a full body analysis and it explained everything...

I have gone from 49% body fat to 29% since January (when I started my journey) AND I have gained 15 pounds of muscle since September (which is when I started strength training/training for my 5k-before this I did no exercise, just nutrition alone).

The muscle gain explains everything and truly proves that you can't rely on the number on the scale! YAY! I hope this helps to inspire someone and reiterate the importance of fitness. My trainer says now that I have a larger muscle mass I should start dropping pounds a lot faster :)


  • Wow! Congrats and thanks for posting this. I started with a trainer at the end of July and will do a new body analysis at the end of November. I am hoping for good results. I started MFP in April but was gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. Restarted 9/29, currently doing TDEE-20%.
    Keep up the great work!
  • LauraBalyk
    LauraBalyk Posts: 219 Member
    that is awesome ! good job droping the body fat that much, that is amazing !
  • jennybennypenny
    jennybennypenny Posts: 90 Member
    Wow! That's such a change! I'm getting my BF% tested this week. Sadly I don't know what it was before, but I'm curious to know what it is now!
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