AKA Prek2005 looking for my old firends & new friends too!

Hello Everyone!

I am not new to MFP this is my second time around. Prior to coming back I lost a total of twenty-five pounds before I found out that I was pregnant with my first child at the age of 44. After sixteen years of marriage my husband and I are finally proud parents of a baby girl born in October, 2012.

However, due to caring for my baby, losing my job, and returning back college to complete my degree the pounds began to pack on again along with unhealthy eating habits and the lack of exercise. So I am here to make some new friends by giving you motivation and support with the same in return for me. I feel that motivation and support is a two-way-street, so if I giving you all the support and getting nothing in return from you in about two week or so I will delete you from my list and save my time and energy for the one who are supporting me.

My diary is open on the friends only setting so that my friends can see what I eat on a daily basis, if your diary is closed it would make it very difficult for me to comment on your progress.

So if you accept my friends request please set your food diary to the friends only setting so that it would be easier for me as a friend to comment on what you eat on a daily basis as well.