Week 1 Ideal Protein Support Buddies



  • Kathleen0425
    Hello, started Ip 5 weeks ago. First 4 were pretty easy however 5th week major cheating. Trying to get back on track! Have two kids, up all day and work 5 nights a week until 2am. Sometimes I overthink the plan and sometimes I just roll with it. Have found best way to deal with things is too keep it simple in the beginning by remaining repetitive, eating the same things which leads to fewer mistakes. Prior to cheat week had lost 10lbs, now not sure missed last weigh in (partially due to guilt). Going to keep plugging away although 2-3 lbs a week is a little frustrating.
    Good luck to all of you on your path to a healthier you! Congrats on 25 lbs, you must feel awesome :)
  • Bride47
    Bride47 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am on day one of Ideal Protein. Feeling a little light headed. Would love to chat with others on this journey.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    I found the following sites really helpful:

    Recipes: http://andoverdietcenter.com/ideal-protein/recipes
    Info on each of the Phases and recipes: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ideal-protein-diet/184422-ideal-protein-diet-phases.html
    Grocery Shopping list: http://www.idealyouwlc.com/client-resources/grocery-shopping-on-ideal-protein/

    the 3fatchicks site has so much info on IP and a lot of recipes. I def recommend you check it out (if you haven't already).

    Hi all IP'ers. I'm in maintenance (after losing 31 lbs) and also on the IP forums at 3fatchicks.com. Same 'name.' The best site ever, Favorite threads are What are You Eating Today, IPeeps? for those on Phase 1, and I & others post menus every day (usually) on Maintainers, What Are You Eating Today?

    Join us for support and ideas for recipes, and experience from those of us keeping it off - some for a few years now.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hi I am on day one of Ideal Protein. Feeling a little light headed. Would love to chat with others on this journey.

    Seriously MAKE SURE YOU ARE GETTING ALL YOUR SALT IN. Easiest way is to pour some in your hand, lick it off and then chase with a glass of water. This is the biggest problem at the beginning for most. :drinker:

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hi all, I'm on day 3 of the IP diet. I find afternoons the hardest as I have trouble staying focused at work and feel a bit sluggish. I wouldn't say i'm hungry, just more tired. If i do get hungry, are we allowed to snack on extra veggies between meals?
    i welcome any words of motivation!

    I used my evening IP snack midafternoon since that is my 'tired time.' Only lettuce is unlimited, but you might be surprised how some romaine leaves crunched down can give you a little pick up around then. A few of the girls on 3FC take baggies of lettuce to work to munch on in the afternoons and it helps.
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Hi I am on day one of Ideal Protein. Feeling a little light headed. Would love to chat with others on this journey.

    Seriously MAKE SURE YOU ARE GETTING ALL YOUR SALT IN. Easiest way is to pour some in your hand, lick it off and then chase with a glass of water. This is the biggest problem at the beginning for most. :drinker:


    Oh my gosh, that is so what I do! I kind of just plain crave salt anyway though!
  • Jennybenny5785
    I am on day 2 of the program and so far so good. I am feeling a little hungry and have had a headache all day today but other than that I am doing well.

    My dinner tonight was very good. I had Grilled chicken with 1/2c Mushrooms and 1/2c Green Onion sauteed in 2tbs Walden Farms Balsamic Dressing I poured this over the chicken very tasty. I also had 1c of oven roasted Cauliflower with 2tsp olive oil and a splash of lemon juice. If you are looking for a dinner recipe this one is very yummy.
  • ddnchi
    ddnchi Posts: 3
    I'm on week 9, I'm down 23 lbs & 27 inches! It's so easy once you get the swing of it. I never feel deprived at all.
  • karol1234
    karol1234 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just finished my health questionnaire starting the program on wednesday. I have over 50lb to lose. I am glad I found this so I can keep reading about your sruggles and achievements!
  • MrsDio710
    MrsDio710 Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished my 9th week on IP. I'm down 41.5 lbs so far. Seeing the scale drop is my only motivation. I agree with the salt comment. Make sure you're getting enough! Also, varying the veggies and using good seasoning is essential! We just started growing herbs a few weeks ago, and boy do fresh herbs with the veggies make a HUGE difference! Keep going everyone!! We're all working towards the same end: a healthier version of us!! ????
  • CapeCodskinnychick
    I am on day 7 and have lost 7.8 lbs. My goal is to lose 24 lbs so I have 16.2 lbs more to go. I did cheat with 2 wine spritzers this weekend and I saw no weight loss this morning. Even though this was my only cheat; its not really worth it. I feel too good right now to mess up again. I'm not going to beat myself up over it but plan to stick 100% to the plan. I feel so amazing on this diet and haven't felt like this in a long time. It is a very different way to diet and I feel like the weight is coming off in all the right places.
  • teaganmayc
    I'm not officially on IP, but I certainly have cut out all simple carbs (except for a small amount of fruit in my morning smoothie). My daily food is as follows:

    Breakfast - Smoothie (protein powder, greek yogurt, coconut milk, spinich, and one cup of frozen fruit)
    Lunch - Salad with home made turkey breast/chicken breast
    Snack - almonds (10 or so) or celery sticks
    Dinner - lean protein with salad or vegetables.

    That's about it! I sure thought I would lost more than I have been, can't seem to figure out why. Any thoughts??
  • Miska8482
    Miska8482 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on day 5 of ideal protein and so far I've lost 10 lbs. I think most is due to water weight. I've lost 50lbs with working out but then I hit a plateau. It's nice to see my scale finally move. :-)
  • jazzsax69
    jazzsax69 Posts: 59 Member
    Just finished week one --- weigh in happens in an hour. Excited to see the changes.
  • raglant
    raglant Posts: 16 Member
    Was on IP a cole of years ago and felt great. I became board after a short time and just stopped doing it. I'm starting again Sunday and committed to sticking to it. Very nervous because I travel a lot. Any suggestions on how to maintain the plan while traveling?
  • DanceswithWow

    To All Ideal Protein over achievers..I saw your support advocacy and I wanted to commend the choice of using this program..
    No I am not an I P coach..or I P social circle promoter..

    I am an impartial semi retired personal fitness instructor..who knows the fast acting working relationship of protein on the bodies back office hormones and unwanted body fat..

    I am writing this to address the plateau issue.. to hopefully acquire a few friends as well as be a resource to help you claim exude and emit life force..

    Again I am unfamiliar with Ideal protein Program.. But know the basis of why using protein is so important as I use what I call your Protein number (Pn#)... the base line biometric of your metabolic need..

    I have 100% of the comments even the guy whos concerns about the last amount of survival fat he cant seem to get rid of.. will address this separately as ..the tweak he requires is specific to the tuning of.. water ph+ level and posing practice, and endurance sets..

    all your quick start weight loss is to be rewarded..a very specila pat on the back becasue accross the board unwanted body fat is being loss at numbers the others fail to use protein as basis do not see for months..

    The PLATEAU: the dreaded plateau...

    here is the scoop.. this plateau is due to the fact that the protein isnt just feeding muscle it is also the chief underwriter for the hormone lipolytic enzymes..

    These enzymes are the only hormone agent that understands body fat, has the chemical food energy formula to communicate with unwanted body and hasthe power to command unwanted body fat to stand down..

    some of you your plateaus is because the protein number is not high enough or most likely you require what I call a protein cocktail..a protein cocktail offers three choices for your metabolism to choose from instead of just one ..

    using single source protein is like not using the color cartridge available to your printer.. You are simply eating your protein in grey scale not full scale.variety...The reason you need a cocktail is due to the number of repair chains that must be replaced..as you work out or as the weight loss accelerates..

    The more unwanted fat you loose the faster your metabolism begins speeding up..because not you possess more potent lipolytic enzymes..and they are also more plentiful in your blood stream..they are working at break neck speed going to each fat cell injecting its chemical warfare translator behind the scenes..

    This takes added food energy and requires an adjustment in either protein volume or its profile.. which in this case.. most would elect to have three types of protein in one sitting - chicken turkey a hard boiled egg, beef shrimp and pork, fish legumes and vege patty, a protein shake toasted Ezekiel bread and almonds or peanut butter.

    This gives the body ample variety of protein resources for which to draw and renew secondary current wattage and amps.as food energy and not caloires is what you are up-charging your metabolim with ..

    people loosing unwanted body fat require an up-charge.. to food energy production as more meatbolic tissue is obvious ly more metabolic. or progressively active..

    Another plateau issue is associated with food frequency.. There is also a need to cooperate with circadian rhythym this is your the wake sleep cycle. which helps better codefy your .protein number( Pn#) acroos the entire spectrum of the day.

    The formula to codefy your food frequeny is 2 before 12 and 2 after 2pm..with a codification threshold of 28 meals a week.

    at 28meals per week you are at 100% food frequency..with out missing.. your protein number..this should get you over the hump.. but metaboilsm being what is ana djustment may be to made based on your metabolic profile in whaihc case you would adjust up wards in food frequrncy by 10% at atime until your weight drop begins agan..

    There are a few more tweaks for pateaus which mostly deals with exercise ..

    I hope this helps with the plateau issue..

    you are all on the right ship sailing in the right direction.. i just wnated to acknowldge that most people not using the protein number or IP to begin their journay are not seeing these kinds of outcome and hope..

    My name is dances wih wow would love finding new friends i can help bullet train them to the finish line..
    cause at the end powerful life force is instore..
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member

    To All Ideal Protein over achievers..I saw your support advocacy and I wanted to commend the choice of using this program..
    No I am not an I P coach..or I P social circle promoter..

    I am an impartial semi retired personal fitness instructor..who knows the fast acting working relationship of protein on the bodies back office hormones and unwanted body fat..

    I am writing this to address the plateau issue.. to hopefully acquire a few friends as well as be a resource to help you claim exude and emit life force..

    Again I am unfamiliar with Ideal protein Program.. But know the basis of why using protein is so important as I use what I call your Protein number (Pn#)... the base line biometric of your metabolic need..

    I have 100% of the comments even the guy whos concerns about the last amount of survival fat he cant seem to get rid of.. will address this separately as ..the tweak he requires is specific to the tuning of.. water ph+ level and posing practice, and endurance sets..

    all your quick start weight loss is to be rewarded..a very specila pat on the back becasue accross the board unwanted body fat is being loss at numbers the others fail to use protein as basis do not see for months..

    The PLATEAU: the dreaded plateau...

    here is the scoop.. this plateau is due to the fact that the protein isnt just feeding muscle it is also the chief underwriter for the hormone lipolytic enzymes..

    These enzymes are the only hormone agent that understands body fat, has the chemical food energy formula to communicate with unwanted body and hasthe power to command unwanted body fat to stand down..

    some of you your plateaus is because the protein number is not high enough or most likely you require what I call a protein cocktail..a protein cocktail offers three choices for your metabolism to choose from instead of just one ..

    using single source protein is like not using the color cartridge available to your printer.. You are simply eating your protein in grey scale not full scale.variety...The reason you need a cocktail is due to the number of repair chains that must be replaced..as you work out or as the weight loss accelerates..

    The more unwanted fat you loose the faster your metabolism begins speeding up..because not you possess more potent lipolytic enzymes..and they are also more plentiful in your blood stream..they are working at break neck speed going to each fat cell injecting its chemical warfare translator behind the scenes..

    This takes added food energy and requires an adjustment in either protein volume or its profile.. which in this case.. most would elect to have three types of protein in one sitting - chicken turkey a hard boiled egg, beef shrimp and pork, fish legumes and vege patty, a protein shake toasted Ezekiel bread and almonds or peanut butter.

    This gives the body ample variety of protein resources for which to draw and renew secondary current wattage and amps.as food energy and not caloires is what you are up-charging your metabolim with ..

    people loosing unwanted body fat require an up-charge.. to food energy production as more meatbolic tissue is obvious ly more metabolic. or progressively active..

    Another plateau issue is associated with food frequency.. There is also a need to cooperate with circadian rhythym this is your the wake sleep cycle. which helps better codefy your .protein number( Pn#) acroos the entire spectrum of the day.

    The formula to codefy your food frequeny is 2 before 12 and 2 after 2pm..with a codification threshold of 28 meals a week.

    at 28meals per week you are at 100% food frequency..with out missing.. your protein number..this should get you over the hump.. but metaboilsm being what is ana djustment may be to made based on your metabolic profile in whaihc case you would adjust up wards in food frequrncy by 10% at atime until your weight drop begins agan..

    There are a few more tweaks for pateaus which mostly deals with exercise ..

    I hope this helps with the plateau issue..

    you are all on the right ship sailing in the right direction.. i just wnated to acknowldge that most people not using the protein number or IP to begin their journay are not seeing these kinds of outcome and hope..

    My name is dances wih wow would love finding new friends i can help bullet train them to the finish line..
    cause at the end powerful life force is instore..

    still trying to promote your powerful life force book, huh?
  • DanceswithWow

    To All Ideal Protein over achievers..I saw your support advocacy and I wanted to commend the choice of using this program..
    No I am not an I P coach..or I P social circle promoter..

    I am an impartial semi retired personal fitness instructor..who knows the fast acting working relationship of protein on the bodies back office hormones and unwanted body fat..

    I am writing this to address the plateau issue.. to hopefully acquire a few friends as well as be a resource to help you claim exude and emit life force..

    Again I am unfamiliar with Ideal protein Program.. But know the basis of why using protein is so important as I use what I call your Protein number (Pn#)... the base line biometric of your metabolic need..

    I have 100% of the comments even the guy whos concerns about the last amount of survival fat he cant seem to get rid of.. will address this separately as ..the tweak he requires is specific to the tuning of.. water ph+ level and posing practice, and endurance sets..

    all your quick start weight loss is to be rewarded..a very special pat on the back because across the board unwanted body fat is being loss at numbers the others fail to use protein as basis do not see for months..

    The PLATEAU: the dreaded plateau...

    here is the scoop.. this plateau is due to the fact that the protein isnt just feeding muscle it is also the chief underwriter for the hormone lipolytic enzymes..

    These enzymes are the only hormone agent that understands body fat, has the chemical food energy formula to communicate with unwanted body and hasthe power to command unwanted body fat to stand down..

    some of you your plateaus is because the protein number is not high enough or most likely you require what I call a protein cocktail..a protein cocktail offers three choices for your metabolism to choose from instead of just one ..

    using single source protein is like not using the color cartridge available to your printer.. You are simply eating your protein in grey scale not full scale.variety...The reason you need a cocktail is due to the number of repair chains that must be replaced..as you work out or as the weight loss accelerates..

    The more unwanted fat you loose the faster your metabolism begins speeding up..because not you possess more potent lipolytic enzymes..and they are also more plentiful in your blood stream..they are working at break neck speed going to each fat cell injecting its chemical warfare translator behind the scenes..

    This takes added food energy and requires an adjustment in either protein volume or its profile.. which in this case.. most would elect to have three types of protein in one sitting - chicken turkey a hard boiled egg, beef shrimp and pork, fish legumes and vege patty, a protein shake toasted Ezekiel bread and almonds or peanut butter.

    This gives the body ample variety of protein resources for which to draw and renew secondary current wattage and amps.as food energy and not caloires is what you are up-charging your metabolim with ..

    people loosing unwanted body fat require an up-charge.. to food energy production as more metabolic tissue is obvious ly more metabolic. or progressively active..

    Another plateau issue is associated with food frequency.. There is also a need to cooperate with circadian rhythym this is your the wake sleep cycle. which helps better codefy your .protein number( Pn#) across the entire spectrum of the day.

    The formula to codefy your food frequency is 2 before 12 and 2 after 2pm..with a codification threshold of 28 meals a week.

    at 28meals per week you are at 100% food frequency..with out missing.. your protein number..this should get you over the hump.. but metabolism being what is an adjustment may be to made based on your metabolic profile in which case you would adjust up wards in food frequency by 10% at a time until your weight drop begins again..

    There are a few more tweaks for plateaus which mostly deals with exercise ..

    I hope this helps with the plateau issue..

    you are all on the right ship sailing in the right direction.. i just wanted to acknowledge that most people not using the protein number or IP to begin their journey are not seeing these kinds of outcome and hope..

    My name is dances with wow would love finding new friends i can help bullet train them to the finish line..
    cause at the end powerful life force is in store..

    still trying to promote your powerful life force book, huh?

    Thanks for following a long..

    I have been expecting you

    It appears praise for the use of Ideal Protein is off limits..The protein number concept..as witnessed by the amazing outcomes occurring with unwanted body fat here simply reinforces what calorie counting documentarian types are all at once being forced over a cliff to understand..

    Hormonal pathways control fat loss..not depending one being perfect in counting the number of intakes you do or dont do with food energy. The hormone gate keepers to metabolism do not respond consistently over time to pound on your body resistance training and suffer by eating lower and lower amounts of calories.

    This approach makes hormones act and react worse.. ..

    it strips the entire system of life force making it impossible to know exactly whats going on when. The calorie counting system doesn't verify itself except through vanity,.

    Doesn't authenticate itself except through vanity.

    And does not validate it self except through pure blame.. that the end user is so discipline deprived, so retarded that the end user didnt do the exact what ever in writing down what was put in their mouth.

    It must be that they are just cheating.. always they are eating wrong counting wrong not writing it correctly..

    Ah thats beyond bone head..craziness.

    No doubt missteps occur.. No doubt there are a number of overweight and sedentary people with disciple challenges.. and are in direct conflict with their hierarchy of needs..

    No doubts obesity is rampant.. .but its not end user after end user.
    thats committing food counting fraud

    .The human spirit is way stronger than you give it credit for..If the original automobile had as many ongoing issues as calorie counting very few people would be risking life and limb day after to day to use the product.. even without government regulation..as deaths would morbidly obese in number.

    Calorie counting to create fat loss is flawed down to the diary itself.. Its so much easier to set up a food energy plan just..once a month and check off missed days your protein number is askew..Then reset course to avoid repeating the inevitable stumple with food. The 4 of july could have been a planned off the calorie counting event for all

    calorie counters could eat what they wanted and then go back to being on course..if a food energy plan was in use
    A food energy plan gives you something to look forward to while at the same time staying on track with deweaponizing unwanted body fat.

    No suffering.. HOPE!
    Not stalls but faster Results.. if calorie counting is working for you.. I am not clamoring for you to cease and desist...You are the clamorer for no good reason except keep those who faltering with calories in vs calories out into bondage..not life force

    End users of calorie counting like your self troll around looking for views that they themselves would not take the time or have the 2nd effort to examine more in dept. instated balme them finger point, tell them what they are not doing right..and if they listen its again something they are not doing right..

    you preach down the rabbit hole insanity..

    So why are only a very small percentage coming out on top using calories.. Math is very easy we both went to the same math exercises to study.. 2 minus 1 = 1 2 plus 2=4..

    Not so fast! Not in the body it isnt.. and not with hormones either.. the body and hormones could care less about stupid human tricks using a basic counting system to impact an evolutionary design specifically put in place to protect the species from itself..

    take that back, the massive arrogance of its psyche pride and bravado..in itself..

    Only arrogance sees just one way..

    Those that do get past the punishment calorie counting arrogance embroils behavior.

    Behavior and metabolism can barely ever stay with it. weight loss becomes this journey alright.. a needless one.

    I myself used Calorie counting on to the fullest extent.. as directed.

    I was so gifted at its principals on paper, I was able to teach it to others.. I like you, was a beyond
    belief advocate when i began my practice.

    .. mainly because this is the only concept taught in university classes and masters level courses.. First red Flag..

    When you graduate.. the first thing the calories in crowd teaches is to blame the end user.. 2nd red flag.

    .the third is to punish..which is your exact M O for speaking out - the biggest red flag

    I dont think so..

    You are trying to punish me for having a view and honoring that view by demeaning the fact that I can write about what I have discovered reworked the errors to the issue and have been educated to obviously take a second look at, sift through the dog pile of studies and figure out..

    Sounds to me a frail ego and the desire keep others from discovering a truth you choose not to double verify
    a premise that was from the very beginning il conceived for the masses.

    I am here to praise what i recognize are individuals off to a great start..away from your brand of bondage..

    I breath life force.. I have earned my stripes. I have the body I want and can teach to those who want the body they want.

    I have been able to test and retest my physical equivalent of will power over free will on demand..

    No more counting calories for me..Oh and about my book

    Look for it on Amazon.....instructor Savant Professorjohn Fitness Professional to the Modern Working Class.

    You wont see another copy cat calorie counting tripwire like it any where on the shelf.


    Dances with WOW

    Life force emitted and unleashed
    I appreciate the controversy associated with an original thought
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member

    To All Ideal Protein over achievers..I saw your support advocacy and I wanted to commend the choice of using this program..
    No I am not an I P coach..or I P social circle promoter..

    I am an impartial semi retired personal fitness instructor..who knows the fast acting working relationship of protein on the bodies back office hormones and unwanted body fat..

    I am writing this to address the plateau issue.. to hopefully acquire a few friends as well as be a resource to help you claim exude and emit life force..

    Again I am unfamiliar with Ideal protein Program.. But know the basis of why using protein is so important as I use what I call your Protein number (Pn#)... the base line biometric of your metabolic need..

    I have 100% of the comments even the guy whos concerns about the last amount of survival fat he cant seem to get rid of.. will address this separately as ..the tweak he requires is specific to the tuning of.. water ph+ level and posing practice, and endurance sets..

    all your quick start weight loss is to be rewarded..a very special pat on the back because across the board unwanted body fat is being loss at numbers the others fail to use protein as basis do not see for months..

    The PLATEAU: the dreaded plateau...

    here is the scoop.. this plateau is due to the fact that the protein isnt just feeding muscle it is also the chief underwriter for the hormone lipolytic enzymes..

    These enzymes are the only hormone agent that understands body fat, has the chemical food energy formula to communicate with unwanted body and hasthe power to command unwanted body fat to stand down..

    some of you your plateaus is because the protein number is not high enough or most likely you require what I call a protein cocktail..a protein cocktail offers three choices for your metabolism to choose from instead of just one ..

    using single source protein is like not using the color cartridge available to your printer.. You are simply eating your protein in grey scale not full scale.variety...The reason you need a cocktail is due to the number of repair chains that must be replaced..as you work out or as the weight loss accelerates..

    The more unwanted fat you loose the faster your metabolism begins speeding up..because not you possess more potent lipolytic enzymes..and they are also more plentiful in your blood stream..they are working at break neck speed going to each fat cell injecting its chemical warfare translator behind the scenes..

    This takes added food energy and requires an adjustment in either protein volume or its profile.. which in this case.. most would elect to have three types of protein in one sitting - chicken turkey a hard boiled egg, beef shrimp and pork, fish legumes and vege patty, a protein shake toasted Ezekiel bread and almonds or peanut butter.

    This gives the body ample variety of protein resources for which to draw and renew secondary current wattage and amps.as food energy and not caloires is what you are up-charging your metabolim with ..

    people loosing unwanted body fat require an up-charge.. to food energy production as more metabolic tissue is obvious ly more metabolic. or progressively active..

    Another plateau issue is associated with food frequency.. There is also a need to cooperate with circadian rhythym this is your the wake sleep cycle. which helps better codefy your .protein number( Pn#) across the entire spectrum of the day.

    The formula to codefy your food frequency is 2 before 12 and 2 after 2pm..with a codification threshold of 28 meals a week.

    at 28meals per week you are at 100% food frequency..with out missing.. your protein number..this should get you over the hump.. but metabolism being what is an adjustment may be to made based on your metabolic profile in which case you would adjust up wards in food frequency by 10% at a time until your weight drop begins again..

    There are a few more tweaks for plateaus which mostly deals with exercise ..

    I hope this helps with the plateau issue..

    you are all on the right ship sailing in the right direction.. i just wanted to acknowledge that most people not using the protein number or IP to begin their journey are not seeing these kinds of outcome and hope..

    My name is dances with wow would love finding new friends i can help bullet train them to the finish line..
    cause at the end powerful life force is in store..

    still trying to promote your powerful life force book, huh?

    Thanks for following a long..

    I have been expecting you

    It appears praise for the use of Ideal Protein is off limits..The protein number concept..as witnessed by the amazing outcomes occurring with unwanted body fat here simply reinforces what calorie counting documentarian types are all at once being forced over a cliff to understand..

    Hormonal pathways control fat loss..not depending one being perfect in counting the number of intakes you do or dont do with food energy. The hormone gate keepers to metabolism do not respond consistently over time to pound on your body resistance training and suffer by eating lower and lower amounts of calories.

    This approach makes hormones act and react worse.. ..

    it strips the entire system of life force making it impossible to know exactly whats going on when. The calorie counting system doesn't verify itself except through vanity,.

    Doesn't authenticate itself except through vanity.

    And does not validate it self except through pure blame.. that the end user is so discipline deprived, so retarded that the end user didnt do the exact what ever in writing down what was put in their mouth.

    It must be that they are just cheating.. always they are eating wrong counting wrong not writing it correctly..

    Ah thats beyond bone head..craziness.

    No doubt missteps occur.. No doubt there are a number of overweight and sedentary people with disciple challenges.. and are in direct conflict with their hierarchy of needs..

    No doubts obesity is rampant.. .but its not end user after end user.
    thats committing food counting fraud

    .The human spirit is way stronger than you give it credit for..If the original automobile had as many ongoing issues as calorie counting very few people would be risking life and limb day after to day to use the product.. even without government regulation..as deaths would morbidly obese in number.

    Calorie counting to create fat loss is flawed down to the diary itself.. Its so much easier to set up a food energy plan just..once a month and check off missed days your protein number is askew..Then reset course to avoid repeating the inevitable stumple with food. The 4 of july could have been a planned off the calorie counting event for all

    calorie counters could eat what they wanted and then go back to being on course..if a food energy plan was in use
    A food energy plan gives you something to look forward to while at the same time staying on track with deweaponizing unwanted body fat.

    No suffering.. HOPE!
    Not stalls but faster Results.. if calorie counting is working for you.. I am not clamoring for you to cease and desist...You are the clamorer for no good reason except keep those who faltering with calories in vs calories out into bondage..not life force

    End users of calorie counting like your self troll around looking for views that they themselves would not take the time or have the 2nd effort to examine more in dept. instated balme them finger point, tell them what they are not doing right..and if they listen its again something they are not doing right..

    you preach down the rabbit hole insanity..

    So why are only a very small percentage coming out on top using calories.. Math is very easy we both went to the same math exercises to study.. 2 minus 1 = 1 2 plus 2=4..

    Not so fast! Not in the body it isnt.. and not with hormones either.. the body and hormones could care less about stupid human tricks using a basic counting system to impact an evolutionary design specifically put in place to protect the species from itself..

    take that back, the massive arrogance of its psyche pride and bravado..in itself..

    Only arrogance sees just one way..

    Those that do get past the punishment calorie counting arrogance embroils behavior.

    Behavior and metabolism can barely ever stay with it. weight loss becomes this journey alright.. a needless one.

    I myself used Calorie counting on to the fullest extent.. as directed.

    I was so gifted at its principals on paper, I was able to teach it to others.. I like you, was a beyond
    belief advocate when i began my practice.

    .. mainly because this is the only concept taught in university classes and masters level courses.. First red Flag..

    When you graduate.. the first thing the calories in crowd teaches is to blame the end user.. 2nd red flag.

    .the third is to punish..which is your exact M O for speaking out - the biggest red flag

    I dont think so..

    You are trying to punish me for having a view and honoring that view by demeaning the fact that I can write about what I have discovered reworked the errors to the issue and have been educated to obviously take a second look at, sift through the dog pile of studies and figure out..

    Sounds to me a frail ego and the desire keep others from discovering a truth you choose not to double verify
    a premise that was from the very beginning il conceived for the masses.

    I am here to praise what i recognize are individuals off to a great start..away from your brand of bondage..

    I breath life force.. I have earned my stripes. I have the body I want and can teach to those who want the body they want.

    I have been able to test and retest my physical equivalent of will power over free will on demand..

    No more counting calories for me..Oh and about my book

    Look for it on Amazon.....instructor Savant Professorjohn Fitness Professional to the Modern Working Class.

    You wont see another copy cat calorie counting tripwire like it any where on the shelf.


    Dances with WOW

    Life force emitted and unleashed
    I appreciate the controversy associated with an original thought

    wow. i see that the the force of insanely long gibberish posts is strong in you, and it has been unleashed upon the MFP forums.
  • Miska8482
    Miska8482 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on week 2 of Ideal Protein and so far I'm seeing amazing results. If anyone wants a supportive buddy, feel free to add me as a friend. :)