reciepe for picky eater

MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
ok everyone, I am probably the most picky eater you will ever meet. and im trying to find recipes for dinners but I feel like im hitting a wall. Anyone have any recipes for picky eaters??

Things I dislike:
spicy food
most veggies
most things healthy!

Things I like:
chicken- but I feel like ive eat nothing but grilled chicken
pasta dishes
any pretty much anything unhealthy


  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    As long as you're eating a caloric deficit it doesn't matter what you eat. That being said, you're making a lifestyle change with trying to lose weight. You're most likely going to find the whole weight loss process MUCH easier if you can overcome your pickiness and turn some of those foods you don't like into foods you can at least tolerate. You will probably find more long term success, too.

    With the foods you don't like what about trying them cooked a different way, or raw if you usually cook them. You may find you actually like a certain food cooked one way but not another. Try eating veggies with some EVOO (account for it of course) or soy sauce or rice wine vinegar. Even a little fat free cheese on top of veggies may make them more palatable.

    Try switching out processed white grains for the whole wheat versions. Weigh and measure what you eat. Count your calories meticulously. If switching out red meat for "faux" meats helps you, give that a try. Mushrooms can have a remarkably meaty texture and you could use them instead of beef in a spaghetti sauce.

    If nothing else works, resort to the trick parent's use of hiding the foods well in the dish you cook.

    Another option, buy the healthy things you don't like, get rid of the unhealthy and when you get hungry enough you'll eat the healthy stuff (okay so maybe not).

    Other than that I'm not help with recipes as I'm kind of forced to be an adventuresome eater due to my life circumstances right now (living in an Asian country where lunch is provided daily).

    I wish you the best in your journey, I do think that you need to be a bit more adventuresome and less picky though if you're really in this to lose.
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    thanks! Ive gotten better over the years, but my husband hates my pickiness and is trying to help me get over It. He does the little kid thing by Hiding stuff in the food... lol
  • RachaelStJ
    RachaelStJ Posts: 152 Member
    For burgers, I would use some of the special thin buns you can buy at stores now. Not as many carbs and calories! Also, you can buy turkey burgers! Add some avacado and you have a still tasty, but healthier burger!

    For your pastas, you could switch to some of the whole wheat pastas out there, and use simple sauces. I actually like the whole wheat pasta better! Also, consider perhaps eating some brown rice or quinoa with chicken as an alternative.

    Trader Joe's (and I'm sure most grocery stores now) carry GREAT frozen stir fry meals that you can heat up qucikly on the stove. The other night, I had an Indian curry meal from them - it had rice and veggies and I just added chicken for some protein. It was SO good and a great amount of calories. You can get some veggies in you that the curry can hide the full flavor of.

    You can buy Laughing Cow cheese in 70 (I think) calorie packs. A lot of cheeses now come in low calorie snack packs. String cheese is also a great, just check which kind of cheese they use and which has the least calories and most protein! That way you can help a cheese craving without going overboard.

    I am not much of a veggie fan either, but I have found some that I like! I suggest trying out different ones. Orange and yellow bell peppers are very sweet, and you could dip them in a little bit of ranch, but honestly, they taste delicious on their own! Slice some up in baggies for a great snack when you crave chips (that's when I eat them). Cucumbers are also great! You can soak and dip them in vinegar and a bit of olive oil. Or lemon juice and a bit of pepper.

    Lastly, hummus with pita chips! In moderation of course. You can buy a box of prepackaged 100 calories of hummus. Eat it with a few pita chips, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers. Endless possibilities!

    I have been on a baking kick lately and found some AWESOME recipes to curb my sweet tooth, while still getting some protein and not too many calories. Message me if you would like the links to them.

    Sorry, I rambled a bit! :drinker:
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    you don't sound like a picky eater, it just sounds like you've got over-exposed taste buds. you no longer taste anything that isn't incredibly fattening, sugary, or salty. Or a combination of those things. picky eaters care about what they ingest, you sound like you only want the thing that will give you the biggest kick in the taste buds. because most junk food doesn't even taste good, it's just really really salty. the sooner you learn to tell yourself no to crap food and start to feel hunger again, the easier it will be for you to start eating good foods. because when you're hungry enough, anything will taste good.
  • I'm a picky eater as well, but I force myself to eat some healthy things.

    I learned to enjoy soup and the best way for me is to blend a bunch of vegetables (peppers, onions, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes - all roasted first) and add some meat, a tiny bit of olive oil and a beef/chicken stock cube.

    Stir fry with noodle, vegetables and whatever meat you like is also good. If you like prawns, they are low in calories.

    Since you like chicken, try cooking it with a bit of water, stock and add some vegetables (carrots, leeks, celery, peppers, tomatoes) when the chicken is cooked. Eat it with rice (a bit of garlic and a teaspoon of olive oil) or spaghetti (just boil in water).

    Try to add some fruits and you will have your 5 a day portion.

    Good luck, it's not easy to diet or be healthy when you are a picky eater, but it is good for you.