need lo loose weight for fertility treatment, anyone else?

Hi everyone,

I've just signed up today as I need to loose 4 stones to start IVF.

Im currently 222 lb's and am on a mission to loose this weight so we can eventually after 5 long years of trying, have a baby!

Would be interested in any hints, tips and advice anyone could offer as well as hearing from anyone in the same boat as myself.

Kelly xx


  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    Sorry to give unsolicited advice, but have you tried acupuncture too? It worked for me.
  • ThisMichelleJane
    ThisMichelleJane Posts: 6 Member
    Hi sweet pea

    I'm focusing on weight loss also in the hope of increasing fertility naturally. I feel your gut ache xx I have a DD9, and we've been trying for more than 2 years for another bundle. I'm currently 183lb, 13 stone, or 83.2kg. I was 72kg when we conceived DD.

    I'm doing MFP a bit differently by following some Eat Fat Lose Fat advice. I'm an advocate for real, whole foods, full fat not diet or low fat. I try to make from scratch instead of buying preservative and additive laden processed 'food'. There is a lot of soy in processed food; soy is a goitrogen which messes with your thyroid. (Properly fermented soy sauce is okay though). My current intake is 2000 calories, so I'll see how this goes - its a little disconcerting to see "If you ate like this every'd weigh [more] in 5 weeks"! I keep reminding myself I'm conducting an experiment by following EFLF...

    I love coffee and limit myself to one a day, but believe that caffeine stresses out my adrenals and puts my body under more stress. (I've heard Teecino is a good substitute, tastes like 'real' coffee; its new to New Zealand)

    I think there's more unexplained than understood when it comes to fertility :( We can know the science and mechanics and the 'right' time TTC, but it isn't a guarantee. I once wrote an email to a girlfriend whose mum is a midwife, and my dear friend knew a lot about what you should and shouldn't do. Frustrated, I said: there are people out there who consume caffeine, alcohol, teas with rosehip, who don't drink enough water, smoke, do hard alcohol and drugs, abuse their bodies, don't want children, people who are obese...and still get pregnant. There is no sense in that.

    I'll talk to the Big Man upstairs for you too. Sometimes, He's the only one we can talk to and He doesn't mind having His ear chewed off. Recently I struggled with feelings of jealousy for a girlfriend who had twins, a boy and a girl. They arrived 2 months early. He asked me, "Would you rather have pre-term twins, or a baby you could 'take home'". Wow, did my mindset change and fill with compassion for my friend instead!

    Much blessing and love on your journey.
    Emjay xx