Looking for support

Hi! I'm a busy lady in my early 30s and I'm looking for like minded people to friend and share support. I've always been pretty physically active but my voraciousness for delicious food and beer has taken its toll on me. I'm looking to slim down in order to halt the ongoing the weight gain before it gets out of control. I'm 5'4" and about 155 pounds the last time I weighed myself. I'm not too concerned with the actual numbers on the scale but I'd like to get back within a healthy weight range and then go from there. Right now I'm doing yoga, push ups, and a daily bicycle commute to work to help get in shape. I'm also working really hard on staying under my calorie goal during the week so I can live a little bit on the weekend.

If you're new, or if you've been here for a while, add me! Thanks!
