How long will losing 30lbs take?



  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    Good luck to you but you don't sound like u really want to lose this weight for u. The only reason you want to lose weight is because your boyfriend looks at other women. No one can tell you how long it will take because everyone's body is different. It will take as long as it needs to take anywhere from 10-50 weeks.
  • Ronda73
    Ronda73 Posts: 52 Member
    With a good diet and exercise I lost 30 pounds in about 18 weeks. But I changed my lifestyle completely!! I weighed, measured, and tracked EVERY bite that went into my mouth. I quit drinking soda and alcohol, and we didn't go out to eat at all. With the exception of my morning coffee all I drank was water. I joined the gym and either was in the pool, running, or working out with a trainer 6 days a week. I went from a complete couch potato to 20 miles a week.
    I'm sure if you go about it the wrong way maybe you can lose it by Christmas but you won't keep it off.
  • SuccessHere
    SuccessHere Posts: 240 Member
    Good question. I want to lose 30lbs too!
  • JL2513
    JL2513 Posts: 867 Member
    It can really vary for everyone. If starting out heavier, it'll come off faster. My original goal was to lose 30 lbs and I've been going at a steady pace of 5 lbs/ month. I work out 5 days a week and eat healthy, balanced meals, with cheat days on Saturdays. I tend to be a little more flexible with my diet on the weekends, at least in the mornings and afternoons, as I'm more physically active and sleep better on those days.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I want to lose 30lbs by christmas.

    It's not going to happen. You could literally stop eating for the next two months and still not lose that much.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm sorry but if you're only interested to know how long you have to keep dieting and exercising until you reach your goal, you probably will gain it back.

    This isn't a quick fix- it's not a magical thing that once you stop you're done forever. It's a lifestyle change. You need to stick with these healthy habits for life. I don't want to be rude or discouraging, just want you to know. Good luck with it!


    UN this. I hated that answer so much and I can't beleive anyone seconded that motivation sucking motion? People really puzzle me sometimes.

    OP I get it, you're tired. Suggestions off the top of my head:

    1) a light at the end of the tunnel gif for your wall.
    2) mini goals and rewards for them.
    3) target December 24th for "hitting it hard" take a week off until January 1st for enjoying the "eve's" and stuff. Then January 1 hit it hard again but start off with at least one new thing. One new clothing item, or exercise or song on your playlist or food in your diet arsenal or something. Not a major thing if you've been losing you don't wanna reinvent the wheel. Just a little new thing to perk you up a lil.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:

    Because I sure know that other post wouldn't have helped me one bit.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi... good question. and good luck to you - You really seem like you want to make a "lifestyle change" :smile: :smile:

    I have lost about 18 lbs and I have 32 lbs to go. I am losing at an average rate of 2 lbs per month and I expect to be at my goal by next May or June.

    Why am I doing this slowly?

    1. If you eat a small deficit every day it means that you have enough fuel to exercise. I am trying to get stronger and faster while I am on this journey.

    2. If you try to lose eating very low calories and exercise a lot you will always be "hangry" - hungry+angry. (I am talking about that I used to net 400-600 per day - it was an ugly situation)

    3. Psychologically you can accept every weight "stage" and body "stage"

    4. If you know that you are going to lose slowly, it means that you are less likely to have that mindset that you have to deprive yourself of certain foods. You can eat nearly "normally" all the time - you just have to be mindful that you eat less than you burn. ( I eat pizza at least 4 times a week)

    Read the posts from people who have been around for a while.

    My opinion and my opinion only - Anybody that tells you that you can easily lose 8-10 lbs in a month doesn't understand the difference between arriving at some arbitrary number on the scale weak and probably "skinny-fat" vs. reaching your goal as part of a lifestyle fit and full of energy.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    at 1 lb/week.....around 30 weeks.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    So then lets say it's healthy for her to lose at the highest rate of 2lbs per week then that would be 15 weeks right? and there are like how many weeks till christmas? she could be close, no?

    also OP that 30 lbs might seem like how much you need to lose by christmas to feel like you've done "something" but I venture to guess that if you lost 18 lbs, even, you'd feel like WOW, about your success so far. Just try, stay focused, and see where it gets you.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hi... good question. and good luck to you - You really seem like you want to make a "lifestyle change" :smile: :smile:

    I have lost about 18 lbs and I have 32 lbs to go. I am losing at an average rate of 2 lbs per month and I expect to be at my goal by next May or June.

    Why am I doing this slowly?

    1. If you eat a small deficit every day it means that you have enough fuel to exercise. I am trying to get stronger and faster while I am on this journey.

    2. If you try to lose eating very low calories and exercise a lot you will always be "hangry" - hungry+angry. (I am talking about that I used to net 400-600 per day - it was an ugly situation)

    3. Psychologically you can accept every weight "stage" and body "stage"

    4. If you know that you are going to lose slowly, it means that you are less likely to have that mindset that you have to deprive yourself of certain foods. You can eat nearly "normally" all the time - you just have to be mindful that you eat less than you burn. ( I eat pizza at least 4 times a week)

    Read the posts from people who have been around for a while.

    My opinion and my opinion only - Anybody that tells you that you can easily lose 8-10 lbs in a month doesn't get the difference between arriving at number on the scale looking "skinny fat" and being exhausted (not to mention hair falling out) and arriving a lot later being fit and healthy!

    That is a good point. I would not want to be hangry during this time of year if I were looking forward to a nice holiday that requires all the usual shopping and prep. Seems like a recipe for scrooge muffins if you ask me.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    So then lets say it's healthy for her to lose at the highest rate of 2lbs per week then that would be 15 weeks right?

    Judging from the picture, the OP doesn't have enough weight to lose to make 2 lbs/week feasible.
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    I lost 26 lbs in 10 weeks, BUT I am obese, and have a lot of weight to lose which makes it much easier to lose the weight.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    You could train to run the marathon. :laugh:
  • emobarbie7
    I am 5ft 0, and it took me about 8 months to lose 33 lbs with light exercise and eating well
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    There are a lot of factors, so no one can predict. Since you're young, it should come off quicker than it has been coming off of me. I would be careful only consuming 1200 cslories, especially if you're not eating back exercising calories. I know you want it off fast, but I promise this isn't a race, this is a lifestyle change. If you think of it as a diet and can't wait to reach the end so can you stop, you'll just end up back where you are. Learn to make changes that you'll be able to live with (find exercising that you enjoy, foods you enjoy that are healthy for you, etc) or you'll just end up back where you are now. It's not to say that you can't sometimes eat pizza, drink beer, etc. it just has to fit into your daily or weekly calorie allowance.

    Good luck, you can do this.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    My thoughts are, focus on the strength training. Find a good progressive program and go for it! Don't worry so much about the number on the scale and don't give yourself a deadline. Weight is just a number, but fit and strong is what's sexy, right? Check out these threads for motivation:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    My thoughts are, focus on the strength training. Find a good progressive program and go for it! Don't worry so much about the number on the scale and don't give yourself a deadline. Weight is just a number, but fit and strong is what's sexy, right? Check out these threads for motivation:

    ^^^^ This - Good advice
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Somewhere between 3 months and a year most likely. Probably on the higher end. Shoot for about 6-8 months.

    Edit: just saw you mentioned Christmas. Not happening, shoot for Easter instead.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Somewhere between 3 months and a year most likely. Probably on the higher end. Shoot for about 6-8 months.

    Edit: just saw you mentioned Christmas. Not happening, shoot for Easter instead.

    Yeah but she could make a more modest goal for christmas and if she added strength tr. muscle building she may be more pleased with those results than with just a straight lbs lost goal. i suspect.

    also yeah other poster i noticed now that you mention it she is not big enough for 2 lbs a week to seem easy.
  • Bearbo25
    Bearbo25 Posts: 28 Member
    I've been at it for just under 90 days and am at 26lbs lost but I started out obese and have 90-100lbs to lose overall. If you only have 30 lbs to lose it is going to come off slower. If you lose too fast you will most likely just gain it all back after the holidays.
  • ldressle66
    Options depends on you, MFP says healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs per week. depending on your calorie deficit, metabolism and what you set your goal in MFP to it could be 30 weeks, 60 weeks or less if you eat less..

    Sounds like you exercise a lot already so you just need to track calories and stay close to your daily limit and you will be on your way to a new you!

    The hardest part for me, is staying a little hungry...I know if I go to bed hungry, wake up hungry and don't over eat, I am losing weight..

    Life long battle for me...

    Best of logging to you!

    Lisa D