Does Intermittent fasting cause stomach bloating?

Hey i was doing intermittent fasting and i ended up having 1-2hr feeding window and eating at a range of 1700-1400 calories since i always got so hungry after not eating the whole day. Its Sunday night and i stopped doing I.F. on Saturday, now im just eating regularly and youd think that im binging now and eating bad foods, but im not, in fact i cant since i get bloated after every meal or drink. I even experimented just now by having a bowl of cereal consisting of multi grain cheerios and 2% milk and right after i ate i got bloated, 10 minutes later bloated, 20 minutes later still bloated. So im wondering if it was because of my eating windows during intermittetnt fasting that caused this. Thanks.


  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Ummm. No. Fasting is natural. It is what you do every night of your life if you sleep. Remember when you used to sleep 12 hours?
    I have no idea why you are bloated. But, you appear to be asking for opinions and mine is that it has nothing to do with IF.