Weight fluctuates 5-6lbs a day. Is that normal?



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    its water / sodium bloat, undigested food, and POOP... 100% normal
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Normal, but I can see how it might be scary.
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    100% normal. It is best to always weigh yourself at the same time of day (ie. first thing in the morning) to avoid feeling scared about it!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    mine can fluctuate by twice that over the course of a week. I usually weigh the least on the same day every week. For ages that was Saturday. Now it seems to be settling on Wednesday... it's a bit annoying when you weigh in low, and then it goes up again, but it always ends up resetting lower after a week or so.
  • kkdelduca
    If you had carbonated beverages, I think that might be why its heavier that morning, making you bloated.
  • Toofatforshirts
    Toofatforshirts Posts: 32 Member
    I really try to weigh weekly because of the fluctuation. What was I wearing any little thing can make a difference. I would give anything to weigh less than 230 pounds :)
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    I was 149lb the other day (which depressed me because it's the heaviest I've been for a while), but the next day I weighed myself first thing in the morning as usual and I was 145lb - always use the same scales by the way. 4lb had gone from nowhere. It's a bit disconcerting to be on a goal to lose 2lb per week and then find you can lose double that in one night without doing anything. Still - not complaining. :smile:
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I was 149lb the other day (which depressed me because it's the heaviest I've been for a while), but the next day I weighed myself first thing in the morning as usual and I was 145lb - always use the same scales by the way. 4lb had gone from nowhere. It's a bit disconcerting to be on a goal to lose 2lb per week and then find you can lose double that in one night without doing anything. Still - not complaining. :smile:
    See, this right here is EXACTLY why I think weighing in daily is better than weighing in weekly. If that one 149-pound day had been trunkfish's only measurement for a week, it would have given her the wrong impression and possibly prompted a weeklong funk. More data points makes for better understanding.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Not weird at all, completely normal. Mine fluctuates up to about 8lbs per day. Usually 3-5.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Morning weight is best. Body has likely fasted during sleep, you relieve yourself to get any extra weight off, and yes NAKED the smallest amount of clothes will add up. Bra and panties (or boxers) are not adding much so they are the next best choice. Laugh, but I have requested to be bra and panties at my weigh in when possible.

    Morning weight is 135lbs.
    Evening it is 140lbs to 143lbsI depending on salt food and water.
    ALWAYS 135LBS the next day. I decided to go biweekly with weighing because I know my loss will be minimal so it is more likely to show after two weeks.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    Several people have said it could be things like bloating, from things you drank before bed, or calories "catching up with you" from things you ate before your night-time weigh in.

    Sorry to be abrasive but these notions are utterly absurd.

    Calories being absorbed into your blood stream doesn't make you heavier. It just takes the weight that you already had in your stomach and stores it in a more permanent way as fat - but it doesn't make you heavier because the weight was already there in your stomach.

    Nothing - absolutely nothing - can make you heavier, except taking on board more mass. This means eating or drinking, and nothing else! Bloating just changes your shape - it won't increase the weight of the food and drink you already ate!

    You can't get heavier without eating or drinking more. The weight doesn't just come out of thin air! it has to come from something you add to your body.

    So basically, this takes us back to my original point:

    If you didn't eat or drink between weigh-ins, it is literally, scientifically, 100% IMPOSSIBLE that you gained weight.

    Your scales are wrong (time for a new battery perhaps), or your eyes need testing.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    And everybody saying this is normal has clearly not read and understood your original post.

    Losing a few lbs overnight is completely normal.

    Gaining a few lbs overnight is not possible.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I got a difference of 2-3kg between the morning and the evening..4-6 lbs...thats normal for me
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    my weight can vary by as much as 7 lbs on a given day - I think it's normal(ish)

    never understood why ppl say they weigh like "181" or something. Just round it off. It fluctuates anyhow - least that's how I look at it
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    And everybody saying this is normal has clearly not read and understood your original post.

    Losing a few lbs overnight is completely normal.

    Gaining a few lbs overnight is not possible.

    >> clearly you're not female :p

    Utter crap. Your weight CAN change. Yes it's to do with what you put in and dispose of, however it's not as simple as what you eat and drink. Water retention, working out, any number of things can affect it.

    It's not a true gain, as it's temporary but it shows as a gain and that is frustrating. It's often never as simple as what you put in your mouth.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Male or female is immaterial. Eat something high in sodium, drink .5 oz of water, as recommended per lb. in my case, put 77 oz of water on a kitchen scale and see what it weighs. It is temporary, but your scale does not show actual weight and temp weight.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I do believe that is normal. It depends on what you are eating. Salty or sodium high foods will make you retain water and you'll post a gain on the scale. I vary 3-4 pounds a day sometimes. If you drink alot of water also you will weigh more. Of course you always weigh more at night then when you first get up. I do weigh myself daily to keep myself in check. First thing in the morning after going to the bathroom in my pjs. I know alot of people say not to weigh that often but I do to keep myself in check. In the past I didn't and the weight came back on after I had lost some.
    Good luck!
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    And everybody saying this is normal has clearly not read and understood your original post.

    Losing a few lbs overnight is completely normal.

    Gaining a few lbs overnight is not possible.

    >> clearly you're not female :p

    Utter crap. Your weight CAN change. Yes it's to do with what you put in and dispose of, however it's not as simple as what you eat and drink. Water retention, working out, any number of things can affect it.

    It's not a true gain, as it's temporary but it shows as a gain and that is frustrating. It's often never as simple as what you put in your mouth.

    Honestly, you think the weight just comes from nowhere? out of thin air? Ludicrous.

    Once you drink a glass of water, that weight is included in what you see on the scale,in exactly the same way as if you stood on the scale holding the glass of water in your hand.

    If you drink 1 litre of water (1kg exactly) it weighs 1kg when it's in the glass on the table, then it still weighs 1kg when it's in the glass in your hand, and it still weighs 1kg when it's in your stomach. Whether your body then decides to hold on to that water (due to sodium or whatever), or pass it through, doesn't make that litre of water weigh more than 1kg.

    I honestly don't know how so many people are struggling to understand this. It's super-basic physics.
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    I was 149lb the other day (which depressed me because it's the heaviest I've been for a while), but the next day I weighed myself first thing in the morning as usual and I was 145lb - always use the same scales by the way. 4lb had gone from nowhere. It's a bit disconcerting to be on a goal to lose 2lb per week and then find you can lose double that in one night without doing anything. Still - not complaining. :smile:
    See, this right here is EXACTLY why I think weighing in daily is better than weighing in weekly. If that one 149-pound day had been trunkfish's only measurement for a week, it would have given her the wrong impression and possibly prompted a weeklong funk. More data points makes for better understanding.

    Thanks for that. I weigh every day cos it helps to keep me on track if I've gone up one day from the next. I don't freak out about it though. I've also found that if I've stuck to calorie count for the day, and exercised, it doesn't go up the next day....
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    And everybody saying this is normal has clearly not read and understood your original post.

    Losing a few lbs overnight is completely normal.

    Gaining a few lbs overnight is not possible.

    >> clearly you're not female :p

    Utter crap. Your weight CAN change. Yes it's to do with what you put in and dispose of, however it's not as simple as what you eat and drink. Water retention, working out, any number of things can affect it.

    It's not a true gain, as it's temporary but it shows as a gain and that is frustrating. It's often never as simple as what you put in your mouth.

    Honestly, you think the weight just comes from nowhere? out of thin air? Ludicrous.

    Once you drink a glass of water, that weight is included in what you see on the scale,in exactly the same way as if you stood on the scale holding the glass of water in your hand.

    If you drink 1 litre of water (1kg exactly) it weighs 1kg when it's in the glass on the table, then it still weighs 1kg when it's in the glass in your hand, and it still weighs 1kg when it's in your stomach. Whether your body then decides to hold on to that water (due to sodium or whatever), or pass it through, doesn't make that litre of water weigh more than 1kg.

    I honestly don't know how so many people are struggling to understand this. It's super-basic physics.

    No, it's not. You drink 1L of water. You've put in 1kg. eventually that comes out again. But you don't pee a litre for every litre you ingest, immediately. You don't necessarily dispose of things in the same time frame as you eat them.

    So if you're retaining water then there could be extra on the scale the next time you weigh in. Gender DOES play a role too. I'm 4kg heavier this week, and it's all TOM weight. I didn't miraculously eat thousands of extra calories, but it's there. Next week I won't have cut thousands more, and it will be gone.

    It's not quite as black and white as you think. You can see it as black and white all you want and if that's clearer for you, great. But it's not like that for most of us because there are multiple factors in play and whether you like it or not that is true.