daily food plan

bluetinker74 Posts: 23 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Its like I had a brain fart...lol...I drop 60 pounds now I gain a few back and at 40 pound loss now!! I ned help with meal planning. ..I am so picky...I don't like to workout or eat healthy...uhmmm that's why I am fat...I used to walm 6 miles a day and became obsessed over working out....it took most of my day...guess I burnt out...need to have help in meal plans and to workout with out the burn out :)


  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Taste buds can be re-trained to like healthy foods. It just takes time. Getting yourself off the high salt, high fat roller coaster helps you start to taste real food again. Try to add just one item at a time and give yourself time to re-learn what food really tastes like, instead of the salt and fat. One day at a time, one healthy thing at a time, and you'll get there.
    I personally found Weight Watchers to be very useful in learning to eat a better-balanced diet. I took it as a challenge to get 5 vegetables and 2 fruits in every day. For health reasons, I dropped the salty foods almost completely. That really helped my health, but it also helped me taste the food. Now, 3 years later, I am a pretty healthful eater.
    Sure, once in awhile I have a salty meal or snack. Moderation is the key. It will come.
    The other thing I learned from WW is planning! Pre-planning meals is key for me. It takes some practice to get it all in place, but it is so much easier to have things already cooked, frozen and ready to pop in the microwave or oven.
    Congrats at getting 40 lbs off! I have gained and lost the same 60 pounds at least 3 times now. No more. I'm in this for the long haul. I'm tired of that weight finding me.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Taste buds can be re-trained

    I believe this to be true to an extend. Two years ago I would avoid at any kind of pork that wasn't bacon but I can tolerate most of it now and can even really enjoy something like pork tacos.

    As for 'healthy foods', you could just eat what you like just smaller portions. Add in other things in small amounts.

    Specifically what do you like? What can you absolutely not stand? What isn't your favorite but you can tolerate it?

    Have you tried cooking the things you don't like in different ways?
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