Chocolate and child slavery



  • IhScoutII
    IhScoutII Posts: 162 Member
    Meeper - thanks for sharing. lt is really sad to see how many a**holes there are in the world, including a lot of the posts in reply to this topic. I just hope if any of them have children, their children are never forced into child slavery. There is not a lot a parent can do when their children are taken from them at gunpoint.... but here is to people laughing off child slavery and having more pressing issues to worry about, probably like why their dry cleaning won't be done until Thursday instead of Wednesday.....first world problems:drinker:

    You clearly have no idea what your talking the poster above stated do some research on the subject..oh and try to research all sides of the issue :drinker: (and that's hot chocolate in the cup)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Meeper - thanks for sharing. lt is really sad to see how many a**holes there are in the world, including a lot of the posts in reply to this topic. I just hope if any of them have children, their children are never forced into child slavery. There is not a lot a parent can do when their children are taken from them at gunpoint.... but here is to people laughing off child slavery and having more pressing issues to worry about, probably like why their dry cleaning won't be done until Thursday instead of Wednesday.....first world problems:drinker:

    Hopefully you aren't wearing any diamonds or was given one for an engagement. Because in order to keep that diamond value high to symbolize your love not only were children taken at gun point to be forced into slave labor but their parents killed and the rest of their family too.

    Again if you are using an iPhone or any made in China electronics, one can suggest that you support the killing of baby girls because the family wanted a boy who can work in a factory.

    It's all about the narrative, if you are willing ignore a bunch of the facts or underlying issues, then you can spin any story.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I'm still going to eat all the chocolate...

    ...but I'll just feel bad about it while I do now... thanks for that.

    At least you're going to feel bad. A day without chocolate is a day wasted for me. I make it fit my macros and I enjoy every moment that involves the magical stuff.

    I saw a post above that said it better than I could: what would these kids/elves do if they weren't doing this? I know it's not the ideal situation, but it's often the best option they have. They could go out and beg on the streets, I guess. Or they could join local gangs. Or they could just apply a five-finger discount to everything.

    Never mind, look at all of those choices they have. You're right--working is clearly not the best choice.

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Is this issue gonna be like how Kony was on FB? I mean... we all know how that stopped Kony... right?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Is this issue gonna be like how Kony was on FB? I mean... we all know how that stopped Kony... right?

  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    We are hard pressed to find truly fair trade products anywhere. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The oil you're using that isn't from US or Canada, thats slave labor. Research abotu slave labor in middle east.

    The cotton you're using thats from India or Pakistan, thats slave labor.

    The toys and other products you're using thats made in China, thats slave labor

    The fruits you consume that're from U.S.A, thats a result of slave labor.

    Stop trying to make everything a hype. While working at a gas station I had some lady walk up to me and gave me a list telling me which gas station to buy my gas from. Apparently some companies buy their gas from middle east while others buy only American oil. And buying gas from middle east was unpatriotic and we were supporting terrorists by buying Muslim gas. Making such statements only make you look silly so I would avoid such things.

    Haha! Someone actually approached you with that? LMAO!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am taking this topic as a personal attack.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm not vegan, this list means nothing to me.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    If you are a regular American consumer and decide you want to worry about the welfare of the people who are making your consumables, you might just want to move to PA and live next to the Amish.
    But who was fallacy of false alternatives?
    *shrugs* In some places, the only thing worse than child labor is not letting kids work.
    This is actually a valid point, and I think it's a good rebuttal to outrage about sweatshops, but in this case it's debatable.

    Of course lax work regulations allow developing countries to be more competitive and can bring economic development, however a child which works in a cocoa bean farm will not go to school (or even if he does will under-perform) and so will be unqualified to do anything other than unskilled manual labor later on.

    In other words, child labor tends to perpetuate the poverty that caused the child labor in the first place...
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I was just sharing information that I found. Everyone has to do their part somehow or did I poke your conscience too hard?

    I don't own a car
    I buy only local produce.
    I will look into the cotton

    Dear alarmist, I unfortunately don't have a conscience. I lost it back when I took my first job at the age of 13 where I had to puncture peoples tires so they would be forced to go to the only tire repair shop in the area. It was a good learning experience.

    And yes, perhaps everybody does have to do their part. Perhaps you can start doing your part by actually reading good research and not just make a statement like "oh, these companies are EVIL! don't buy from them". I get approached by alarmist like you on a daily bases.

    If you REALLY want to listen, heres something to help you sleep. I am just going to assume you live in Hawaii. The US government in the last year alone has killed 500+ children in Afghanistan and Pakistan alone via drone attacks that were meant for "terrorists". These are just kids and only in 2 countries. That excludes the murder of kids in other countries. YOU are supporting the cold blood murder of kids by staying in that country and being a hippy. At least when I buy chocolate (which allegedly hires child labor), I'm feeding the kids and the families they have to support.

    Also, while I understand you have a sheltered life where you aren't exposed to the outside world, let me assure you, child slavery and child labor are 2 complete different things. I suspect what you're talking about is child labor. And while we don't like talking about child labor, it is something that is forced upon kids due to the poverty their families live in. I worked as a kid and know many kids who are far younger than me who work. They do it for their families. You want to take away the job that helps them feed their family? Get off the high horse please, we're all just an accident, just a cancer, just a drone attack away from being forced to child labor.

    Hope you get your conscience cleared.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Is this issue gonna be like how Kony was on FB? I mean... we all know how that stopped Kony... right?

    Guess there's nothing left to do but jack it in San Diego.

    ETA: Someone please copy this and insert the Southpark gif. Thanks.
  • LaurensE1
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