Pointers on incorporating diet into life at home?



  • V4everfit
    V4everfit Posts: 46 Member
    Some things I do to help me through weekends:
    1) Always log, even if you go way overboard.
    2) Minimize junk food in the house. At least always have healthy alternatives for yourself even if everyone else isn't buying in to health eating, i.e. when the grab a cookie, you grab an apple.
    3) When you go out to eat, take 5 minutes to check the website of the place you're going to - most chains have nutrition information. Choose what you'll eat before you go. If the place you're going to doesn't have this info, use the knowledge you've gained to make a good choice. Salad not fries, wraps not burgers, light beer instead of full, diet soda/pop instead of the full sugar.
    4) Have a light lunch if you know you'll go over at dinner. My current favorite is a salad with a hard boiled egg & a small tin of tuna
    5) Get in a good workout on the day you're eating out.
    6) Drink plenty of water with your means to help that full feeling come sooner.
    7) Portion control. You can have fries, just don't eat all of them. Take a handful and put the rest on somebody else's plate.

    Good luck finding something that works for you.


    I 100% agree with this. I've been up & down over the past couple of years but following mark's suggested method is what works for me too, in fact, I was gonna write that myself. Looking at the nutrition facts on restaurant websites definitely work wonders. It actually stops me from eating out because everything has so many cals. But just proportion a lot & make alternatives like your own hamburger with turkey, half slice of cheese & baked fries. I've lost almost 2lbs this week & I didn't do a full cardio workout but three days & I'm a bus driver 10 hours a day. I still ate the foods that I love (except restaurant) but instead of two portions I only had 1/2 to 1 portion. I count high cal snacks as meals also. & I don't snack over 400 cals. Also, I replaced beef products with turkey products. This is actually working for me so far. I still have a long way to go but I hope I was helpful & that you make it through this struggle. Oh yeah, involve your kids in the healthy eating make it a family thing.
  • astrophysically_fit
    I feel like everyone has to deal with this in some way or another during their weight loss journey. We have to find some balance in making sure our live choices for food/diet don't interfere with the other people around us, but at the same time, making sure we treat our bodies in such a way that will help us achieve this goal. I don't think there is really an easy way to do this- we just do it. I've found that I have my "gym friends" and my "other friends" and when my "other" friends are making the journey seem a lot harder (like, this weekend, when they all wanted to hit up McDonald's for breakfast on Saturday morning) I can go to my "gym" friends for support and motivation. It all balances out in the end- you just need to find out what will help YOU.
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    whole sundae because I only knew the cals for the whole thing and how can you evenly divide ice cream lol. Silly. Anyway I have been doing great the last 2 weeks. What helped me is that I exercise a little more doing the week that way I have room to splurge on the weekends. I also started prelogging my food in advance. I make sure that I include my night snack ahead of time so that I won't feel deprived. When I get to the restaurant, I look at the nutritional guide online on my phone before I order. Most people look at the price before they order, I look at the calories and go from there. I was so proud of myself this week. I went to the mall this weekend which is so scary because I always want a pretzel. this time, as soon as I stepped foot in the mall, I put gum in my mouth and didn't want anything. My hubby and I ate out 2x this weekend and both times I ordered dessert as usual but small portions and I chose veggies over fries for less cals and ate everything that I wanted. I was so excited! You will get this. I would just say for you to start out by at least pre-logging your weekends even if you don't do it for the week yet and include snacks. Even if you have to pre-log your snacks first and then add your meals, whatever works so you can make this a habit. Habit is KEY...Best wishes to you.
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