
So I have been thinking a lot about longevity lately. If you want to know my train of thought read on. Otherwise just answer the question at the end.

About 15 years ago I did WW. I lost 57 lbs. Stopped counting points and gradually gained some back. Lost it again using WW online and message boards. Quit counting, gained it all back plus some. Quit smoking, more weight, had a baby, more weight....you see the problem.

I am a computer internet addict. I get on the internet and just seem to lose numerous hours. I have been a member of a few message boards. I get wrapped up and read and refresh for a long time. I have seen a therapist for this and I work on it. Recently I realized that I thought I would be missed if I started posting on a WW board and then left all of a sudden. I felt like I had to keep going back so they would not think I left them. I am sure some people on a small parenting board I joined wonder where I am but really...strangers on the internet will not miss you and pine away. That said, I find myself looking at these boards daily. I will be trying to limit myself. Luckily these boards are not crazy active.

I joined another weight loss calories tracking site and never post there. I have started blogs and never come back to them. I do like the interface of this board. I like the way it tracks calories. I also spoke to a friend that is a nutritionist. In the course of conversation she mentioned that she has to track her calories. She said she stays at about 1500 to maintain her small figure. She was saying she can tell when she ventures off track. It was then I realized calorie tracking could be something I have to do forever. Not rocket science kind of tracking either. I was at a friend's house today. She served me 2 pieces of pizza. She is a tiny thing that has no clue. I ate them and then as I was playing with my daughter in the other room, I grabbed my phone, tracked, and saw it was a lot. I planned a smaller dinner in my head and moved on. No muss no fuss. I am trying to not overthink or make too many rules for myself. That will lead me down a path of feeling like I failed and binging. Calories in less than calories out. Limit processed stuff but I am not eliminating it. Just being mindful.

I find this website so much easier than points or having to calculate things. I just make choices and be mindful. Everyday is a new one. There is no starting over again next week. Only the next meal. RIght now I am reading a lot on the boards. I plan on limiting that as I go. I think I have the information I want and I have made my decision on how I want to proceed. My goal is to log in a track my food honestly and faithfully for at least 6 out of 7 days. I don't say 7 because there are days when things happen. I was sick last week and the thought of logging anything after lunch just did not appeal. I just sat. I saw a post from a gentleman who has logged on over 100 days.

Given all of that and the recent influx of posters...I was wondering....
Do a lot of people stick around long term?
Anyone have goals to stay around a certain amount of time?
Do you have a certain number of days to track goal?
Longevity......is it seen.....
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