Well this is encouraging!

This just barely meets the definition of fitness, but it's not really nutrition either. My resting heart rate has been on the high side for years, usually in the low 90s. I found I often felt like I had just woke up from a bad dream... thumpthumpthump!

I hadn't really thought about it much since I started losing weight, but for some reason this morning I thought of it and checked it a couple times, a couple of hours apart.. My activity level hasn't really gone up substantially, most of my loss has been through diet alone. I'm just not quite as slow as I was because the 30 pounds I lost was apparently holding me down a lot.

Anyway, when I checked it this morning, it was at 78 both times. that's about 15 bpm just from weight loss! :D Yay!

Before anybody starts harping about the importance of exercise, I'm quite aware of that. In fact, DH and I begin our ballroom dance lessons this evening. :)
