31 y/o with a gut

hvyduty Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,

I'm a 31 year old male with a beer gut. The worst part is I don't drink beer! I've tried diets my entire adult life with little success. I've always enjoyed studying the science and theories of exercising especially weight lifting and body building. My goal is to become a personal trainer so I can help others obtain their fitness goals. However, who wants to listen to a trainer with a gut?

I've stumbled upon this community and have found it to be quite knowledgeable and motivative. I hope that this may be the motivation I need to make this life change work this time.

A brief intro into my weight gain. Once upon a time, as a teenager, I used to work late and pick up a six pack of tacos from a fast food joint we will call Taco Hell nearly every night. Well, it didn't take long to notice the pounds start to pile on. However, I was always able to keep the weight at bay in high school with sports. Like most adults I graduated high school and began a new (less active) chapter in my life. Slowly the pounds started to pile on mostly due to fast food and lack of exercise. Now recently I injured my shoulder at work and have not been able to due any upper body exercises. In order to keep the scale under control I figured I start to run. I used to run half marathons in high school but the constant training has left me with multiple persistent runners injuries. I started running three times a week on a gravel path around our city park. The first week wasn't bad and I was able to jog about two miles a day. Then I noticed my foot start to hurt when I woke up in the morning. "No big deal", I said, "I'll stretch more" . Well long story short, I got only what I can diagnose (without doctors opinion) as Plantar fasciitis. Now it's been about two months and I still can barely walk when I wake up. Without exercise I've now packed on about 10-15 pounds in about 7 months.

Well, this is more of a intro then most but I thought I'd throw the story out there for all to see. My goal is a modest (yet elusive) 25 lbs at 1lb a week.


  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Welcome to MFP, this is a great site! I think you have very realistic goals, best of luck to you on this journey!! :smile:
  • Welcome to MFP, hvyduty.

    I, too, have plantar faciitis. It sucks. Since you haven't been to the doctor, I can give you some tips for keeping it under control. If you don't, that morning feeling will start creeping up on you when you sit down even for short periods of time. First... Stretch, stretch, and then stretch again. You can put your toes on the edge of a step and drop your heel to stretch out your foot/heal muscles. I also flex and extend my feet several times in the morning before daring to put weight on my heels. My doc also recommended freezing a few water bottles and then rolling my feet on them a few times a day. It's sort of a weird cold massage but it helps a lot. And last but not least... good shoes. ALL OF THE TIME. No flip flops and bare feet for us. :( Invest in a few good pairs of shoes... and a pair you can wear around the house so that you're arches are always being supported.

    Good luck with everything. You'll need those feet in good shape to help with your weight loss. And if all else fails, do what I do and jump in the pool. :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I know how you feel, though being that I didn't do sports in high school, I was a band geek, I was 280 lbs when I left. I lived with my mom while at my community college and for a while I had a big mac meal plus another big mac every day (thank you mom for my healthy eating habits :grumble: ). My friend made me start playing water polo, it was a joke and I hung on the wall the entire time, but it was fun. Eventually I found a spin class and using that class I lost 70lbs in 7 months with no diet change (again, thanks mom :grumble:). That was 5 years ago. Since then, I have gone up and now I am working my way back down and I want to finish what I accidentally started.

    So, long story short, maybe a cycling class wound help, though I have no idea with the foot problem, or you could get into swimming. The MFP plan will definitely help you reach your goals.
  • I don't know about there, but in Australia we have arch shoe supports called "orthaheel" http://estore.walkpainfree.com.au/ I have had them in my shoes for many years because I used to get this horrible sharp pain along the sides of my feet, apparently a pinched nerve in the back. Anyway. If you can't find any shoes you like with decent support, grab an insert like these that's right for you. I found them quite comfy. :)
  • a pound a week is a good sensible target, good luck
  • ronmichel
    ronmichel Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome and I am looking forward on hearing about your successes here
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • Hey man.. I'm right there with ya! I've about 30-35 pounds that I need to drop by the end of the year. If you need support, feel free to drop me a line. I'm picking up a Nike +, even though I HATE running, I know my butt has to get out there and do it. If you need anything along the way, let me know. Good luck.

  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Welcome! I used to work at a place that sells tacos in college. we always called it toxic hell. lol good luck in your journey!
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