Chocolate Replacements

I have had some major chocolate cravings lately, but my neurologist took me off all forms of caffeine, including chocolate, back in May due to my chronic migraines. Does anyone know of some good, healthier alternatives for me to satisfy my sweet tooth without feeding the chocolate beast that dwells within me?


  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    there's swiss miss hot chocolate that says 99.9% caffeine free on the front! that's an idea. also, most chocolate syrups arent actually made from cocoa so you may be ok there.
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    Carob is touted as a chocolate replacement that is caffeine-free however does not have the texture of chocolate. My mother was on a carob kick when I was a teen and all the carob products I tried had a gritty texture rather than smooth. Some people find it acceptable, though.

    Maybe white chocolate would be okay. I checked online and found sources that said it is caffeine-free however Lindt says theirs has caffeine in it so beware.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Whoops, I missed the caffeine part of your post!
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    From this list -

    Carob, while naturally sweeter than chocolate, is much better for you than chocolate.
    It does not have the caffeine, cholesterol, oxalic acid, and theobromine that chocolate contains.
    Carob is low in fat and sodium and high in fiber and calcium.
    Carob is smooth and rich, but for some, it is an acquired taste.
    Many prefer chocolate to carob initially but, with time grow to enjoy the flavor and benefits that carob provides.

    Fruit is always good.

    And white chocolate has no caffeine.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Back when I was off dark chocolate (also due to chronic migraines, but it turned out not to be a trigger - just makes it worse if I already have one), I used to eat medjool dates to satisfy my chocolate cravings. It's not the same, obviously, but they're sweet and yummy. I have a friend who eats carob instead of chocolate, but I just couldn't get on board with that.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    Although it certainly does not kill my chocolate cravings completely, the old advice to eat something high in magnesium when you have a really bad chocolate craving does help me sometimes. Sweet or creamy options tend to work best for me, so figs, anything made with molasses, berries and peanut butter are things I reach for if I can't get chocolate. Well, I also reach for salted caramel, but that is not exactly healthy :).
  • DrewMontoya
    DrewMontoya Posts: 77 Member
    And white chocolate has no caffeine.

    It also has no chocolate.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You could try carob. I found carob covered nuts at bulk barn and while I could tell they were not chocolate they weren't bad either.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    And white chocolate has no caffeine.

    It also has no chocolate.
    given the choice of a sleepless night or white choc, i chose mother+ roth vanilla white choc from aldi.
    + delicious enough to satisfy my craving.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    There is a decaf chocolate hazelnut tea that actually doesn't suck. I think it's by stag or stage or what ever that tea is with the compose on it.