Manner of cooking + recipe creation question

I am a bit confused abt creating recipes!

Main question: How much does the manner of cooking matter? I do know that deep fried tofu is not the same as steamed tofu...but there are shades of gray, flash fried or sauted do i consider that?

Upping it a notch: Lets say there is dish which has mutliple components in ingredients and cooking
let me use this as an example
1) step 1: I heat up some oil and throw in some spices and onions and sorta saute them a little bit
2) step 2: i microwave some veggies parallely
3) step 3: i mix them in the pan ...basically coat the vegetables in teh oils and spice
4) then bake it finally

Methods: I have used 3 methods of cooking here ...saute, microwave and bake
Ingredients: are mixed in various staegs of being cooked!!

MFP gives us one 'choice' of cooking doesnt give us a boil+saute+bake how does MFP calculate cals? Many of the foods from cuisine involve some kind of seasoning that involves a little oil and some heat !!!

Another question: And is there a way I can see the recipes of the people in User submitted? and is there a way of me customizing it to my way of cooking ? for example if they are serving size is in 'bowls' ...will i be able to convert it to grams (or vice versa?)



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Count the raw ingredients. The method of cooking doesn't matter but if you are cooking oil you need to add the calories of the oil. Spices wouldn't have enough calories to worry about. For your example count the oil, onions and the veggies at their raw weight.