
Hello all,

Quick background on my situation. I am in the military and have a medical profile (doctor's documentation) for no running or walking long distances (bad hips, pin in big toe, stenosis in lower back). I am able to elliptical machine, which I do 60 minutes a day for 5 days a week. My wife has basically cut out all of my carbs last week and continuing to do so for a few more weeks. I am losing weight quickly by exercising and watching what I eat. However, I must get the dreaded "tape test" across my abdominal circumference on Nov 5th (2 weeks from tomorrow from when I first posted this).

I need to lose 3 inches before then, but would like to lose 4 total just to be sure. I know I am the right track, but it is not going fast enough, in my opinion.

I have heard of the ab wraps and even the DIY kind (Prep-H and saran wrap).

Does anyone know if these actually work?

I know that I will get some people telling me there should be no it safely, it will stay off longer, etc. But, I only have less than 16 months until I retire and it is pretty important for me to pass.

Thank you for any advice you can give. Thank you.
