Postpartum Depression-How to keep going being healthy

I am going to be speaking with my doctor tomorrow about postpartum depression and hopefully begin treatment. I had it pretty bad with my daughter and this time around it's hitting sooner.

One thing that happens when I'm on antidepressants is I stop eating. I assume I'll be starting on Zoloft since it's one of the only ones safe while breastfeeding and this side effect happened when I was on it before. Thoughts or advice on making sure I'm eating? I'm thinking about having my husband (or myself) make up some healthy snacks/small meals that are easy to reheat and quick to eat.

As far as working out, going to the gym is my "me time", so I'm still able to get the strength up to do that.


  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    So sorry to hear this - I had it with both mine, it passed pretty quickly with my second and I really, really hope this is the case for you. There is nothing worse. Nothing.

    I think depression affects our eating more than the meds do per se - although that's just my opinion. Some people can't stop eating, others can't start.

    Chin up honey, you're doing really well, you've accepted it and started to work out how to manage it really well - that's more than half the battle. Lovely as the babies are - it's can all just be a massive shock to the system at a time when you're physically weak, sleep-deprived AND hormonally unbalanced. :(

    Hildy xxx
  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    Thank you so much for your kind words. With my daughter, it took about a month for the medication to kick in and I slowly started feeling better. I was able to get off the Zoloft after 6 months. Hoping that is similar this time.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Try to get a new generation SSRI prescribed btw... they're cleaner and have less side effects than some of the older ones ie Paxil, Seroxat (I think they are the same as Zoloft?). x