recovering drug/ alcohol addiction and weight gain

flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
hi i am an addict/ alcoholic in recovery for the past 4 years. i was always the skinny girl who never had to excerise much could eat what i liked ect. during my early 20s i started using cocaine and drinking heavely. i gained alot of weight from binging on drugs, then eating and drinking everything in sight then sleeping for a day or two. my alcohol consumption wasn't helping either. i was wondering if there were any other addicts on here whos metabolism was "reversed" by using and now trying to lose the weight. thank you


  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I am not but I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on your success in working through your addictions. Those are some pretty strong hurdles to overcome and you should be extremely proud of yourself. May you enjoy the same sucess as you journey to lose weight and continue your road to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Thats awesome that you are doing so well! My husband is an alcoholic/addict and I have been watching him struggle for the past couple years. He has been sober for 8 months and he just started dieting with me last week. If he can do it you can. Good luck!
  • Congradulations on you're new lease on life!!! I know the courage it takes to overcome addiction. I was a meth monster for 15 years. At my lowest I weighed 98 lbs.I never weighed more than 135lbs. I got a second chance at life in April of 2007 and never looked back. Since being clean though I have gained alot of weight (125 lbs) I know some was because I went crazy re-discovering foods I forgot existed, but alot was because my metabolism has been through hell and doesn't know which way to go now. I take one day at a time and have faith in this site. Just like I overcome drugs I will overcome food. This site will help...I believe that. I hope you have success here too.:flowerforyou:
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    You're not alone FL. I did coke for years. I'm not sure it messed up my metabolism or not but I can honestly say getting off the **** (as I called it) for me seemed easier than dealing with weight. I think sometimes people like us use various substances to medicate. Sometimes it's booze or dope. Sometimes it's food. My struggles with food eclipse my journey with dope by far.

    I'm doing hcg which is supposed to reset the hypothalamus. It's been years since I got off dope and I had lost weight successfully since that time. So hope is not lost and past history of using doesn't necessarily mess you up that way.

    PM me if you want to "talk" more. Otherwise, keep at it. You will make progress. Don't stop.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    hi sunshine!
    i could be the kind of person u were looking for.:cry::cry:
    drugs were a thing of my past, but ii've never been skinny. :mad: :mad:
    now a days, i exercise and eat as healthy as i can.:smile:
    presently, i'm as thin/healthy as i've ever been.
    i workout rather hard most every day :bigsmile: but i drink 600+ cals of wine most every day too.:frown:
    ~i think that means i have a drinking problem.:sick: :sick:

    i am outta wack, as u said.:huh: :huh:

    can we support each other?
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    thank you all for the post. i cant believe i gained during my drug use i went from 120ish to almost 180ish and when i cleaned up i did get down to 140ish but then i quit excersicing and watching what i ate for the past couple of years. its hard work but i know the person i want to look like isnt a couch potato lol..
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    hey sunshine, I quit drinking about four months ago after being a daily heavy drinker for a little over 2 years. I gained just over 100 lbs. in the 2 years that I drank. I went from being fit and active to...well, obviously, a lazy drunk! lol But I've gotten back on track. I do love my life without alcohol, but still feel like "balanced living" is a daily struggle. I don't have the specific urge to drink anymore but still have not mastered the art of coping with emotions, so I think I sometimes use food the same way I used alcohol.

    I have no idea if my drinking messed with my metabolism necessarily; if I eat the right amounts, I usually lose the weight I'm "supposed to" that week. But it does seem like the body and mind both have to readjust to being sober and changes in diet seem to really affect sobriety. I noticed within the first few weeks after quitting that eating junk food left me really depressed after the sugar crash, so I try to eat mostly healthy foods now (but definitely have my junk food days, especially around T.O.M.)

    Anyways, congratulations on your time sober and best of luck in your weight loss endeavors!
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