Has anyone lost weight and then put it back on?



  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    I've gained weight twice in my life and had to lose it. (about 60 pounds each time). NEVER. AGAIN. I will be MFPing the rest of my life, logging food and exercise and staying aware of what's happening with my body.:bigsmile:
  • annakdavis
    annakdavis Posts: 28 Member
    Back in 2004-2005 I lost approximately 120 lbs. I got pregnant and gained almost all of it. I tried to lose it again, and lost 80 lbs- gained a lot of it back. Both times I did low carb, and was a complete gym addict. The moment I could not get to the gym, the wheels fell off for me. I have now lost 95 lbs- am back to pre-pregnancy weight. This time is through calorie in- calorie out. It has gotten harder as I have gotten older...
  • bevtyndall
    bevtyndall Posts: 72 Member
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I lost 50lbs but about 10 of that has popped back up. I'm working on losing that 10 again and then hopefully another 20-30lbs, depending on how I look/feel.
  • susanstar88
    susanstar88 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm thinking the question should be ... who HAS NOT LOST weight and then put it back on? In the past, when someone asked me if I was on a diet ... I would respond 'I was born on one' ... because I was always trying WW, liquid something or other, a magic pill or so, prescription pills, the wonderful 3-day diet (you name it).

    Now, when someone says 'gee, you look good, and you love to cook' ... how are you doing it. Well, it ain't easy but I love keeping track, entering my calories every day on my devices & even my exercise. Have I put on a few pounds here & there ... YES... but not the 20 that I use to put back on. We had a 14-day Venice & Greek vacation and I only put on 8 pounds ... nearly all of those pounds are back off again in less than 30-days.

    'm looking forward to having my Route 66 birthday roll around and Thanksgiving -- out of town guests for both ... and I'm cooking up a storm --- but I will exercise for those glasses of wine & drink water (and count every bite). So, yes ... I put it on but not like I did in the past and it for me, it is easier to take off. This is not easy but no one said life is and this weight situation is part of life for may of us. So I'm sucking it up and logging my calories, meals & exercise.
  • firesoul19
    firesoul19 Posts: 37 Member
    Sure sure, me too. Was up to 178 lbs senior year of college 2004/5. By mid-2006 I had lost 55 lbs and was down to 122.

    Gained some when I went on birth control, then it's just gradually creeped up over the years. After getting married in 2011, I went from 137 up to 146. I started using weights more and was back down to 138, but then went right back up after our vacation this July.

    In all this time, I've NEVER stopped exercising at least 5 days per week. I think part of it is just the aging process. Also I probably need to drink less. It's not that much, but might be enough to keep me stuck here at 142-144 lbs. (Also I have PCOS, so that doesn't help, especially since I've gone off the pill recently.)

    I really wish I could get back to 135 before we try to have a baby next year, but I don't know what else to try. I've logged for over a year between mfp and LoseIt.

    OP, you're in good company.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Yes. Over and over again.
    135-177 ( pregnancy)
    177 to 135 (with some real hard work)
    135-170 (life, moved, lost family members, stress eating)
    170 (pregnancy)
    218-Now 177

    I cannot bust through the 170's!! I wrecked myself with all the yo-yo's I think!

    However long it takes though, I will NEVER go through this again.
  • thenewmoni
    thenewmoni Posts: 30 Member
    YES, I've yo-yo several times with the same 10 pds but I was OVERexercising and eating wayy too little for my height. Now, I'm just going to eat, lift, and not worry about pounds coming off so quickly. It seems to be working better
  • flarbish
    flarbish Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,
    I lost all the weight I needed to and a few pounds more, but that was 23 years ago, and I am right back where I was before.
    I know I can get back to where I was, but I have to maintain my weight after that, when you get older it can take longer to lose
    and cause health problems.
    Don't worry we will both get there, myfitnesspal will help afterwards.:smile:
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I lost 35, gained 50 and have now lost it again - I'm back to my ideal weight range.

    I don't make any excuses. After I lost the weight I considered myself "done" and just went back to eating the way I used to eat. There's no mystery why I gained the weight back.

    The most important thing is controlling the calories you put in your body. That's your greatest leverage and where you'll see the biggest results. Exercise is awesome, don't get me wrong - it will help you lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing. But exercise alone isn't enough - you've got to get your food intake under control.

    Do the math - know your BMR and TDEE, count every calorie and (if possible) use a heart-rate monitor to more accurately measure what you burn. And remember the lesson I learned: You will never be "done". Don't ever stop!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    Yup, I lost 50 pounds during both of my pregnancies. I gained it back and then some each time. Basically, I ate better for the kids then went back to eating everything in site afterwards. It was a wake up call that I was willing to make changes for my children but not for myself. It's a mom's job to take care of family but WTH I am glad I finally realized I need to take care of myself in order to take care of them too (duh me).
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    I did South Beach Diet in 2005, went from 236 to 168. That was actually *too* skinny, so I gained back into the 180s. I maintained there by eating whatever I wanted until I gained too much, then went back to SBD to lose the weight. Then I got lazy-ish and after keeping it off a few years, it started to creep back on. By last summer, I was back up to 235 and tried SBD again, but for various reasons it didn't stick. I lost 25 lb., but then gained it back over the winter, back up to 232. I started with MFP in August and so far it seems to be working, down 27 lb. so far. The challenge for me will be in keeping it off.

    I've kind of decided that late summer/early fall is a good time to evaluate my weight. If I've gained some during the year, the cycle of the new school year starting is kind of a good signal to re-evaluate and re-direct. (I'm not a teacher, but my wife is.)

    I'm not convinced that repeated gain and loss is necessarily a bad thing. My family is from northern Europe (Poland) and there were annual cycles of feast and famine at times. The people who survived are the people who could pack on the pounds during the times of plenty so they could get through the lean times. Some people talk about The Fat Gene. I probably have it. If my ancestors didn't, I wouldn't be here today because they would have starved to death.

    So I don't sweat it so much if I gain after I've lost. I hope to keep it off this time, but if I have to renew a diet next fall, so be it.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Yes, it happens. I had lost close to 70 lbs at one point and kept it off/maintained for about a year. Then I got injured and have since gained about 20lbs back. I know I will never let myself get back up to 215lbs, but I also know I have the tools to get the weight off again. I am taking things slowly as to not re-injure myself and have to start back over.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Story of my life since I was a teen. :( 150-250 yo-yo...
    Finally trying a different approach and dealing with the emotional side of my eating issue. Im a work in progress but have high hopes that I can gain control over it.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I lost 85 lbs and gained 100 back :sad: That's what happens when you do low carb and then fall off the wagon.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    17years old - 199 (I am 5' 10" so I still looked thin)
    20- 325
    27- 270
    30- 380
    42-345 (pregnant)
    45- 269 and on my way down to 219 again...FOR. THE. LAST. TIME.
  • fedupfatty86
    fedupfatty86 Posts: 92 Member
    In January of 2009 I joined WW and by April 2010 I had lost a total of 63 lbs but I let life get the best of me and stuffed my face to drown out my sorrows. I ended up gaining 40 lbs back over the course of the past 3 years and have been struggling ever since to get it back off. I even re-joined WW several times but I just couldn't stick with it and I was wasting money. Flash forward to July when a co-worker told me about MFP. I joined in July but haven't actually gotten serious until last month.
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    Yeap, been there done that.
    I've been fat all my life. If you see pictures of me when I was little and cute I was fat. Always struggle with my weight and measures but thanks god never with the girls :). Anyhow my first serious attempt to lose weight was back in 1997. I lost 20 Kilos but I was starving myself. Seriously, 1200 cal a day and the worst part no alcohol whatsoever, which for me is almost as important as oxygen, I'm not an alcoholic tho. Anyhow of course I gained the 20 back + more (10 maybe). In 2005 started taking pills, Jesus those were good. I lost like 15 kilos in 2 months without any diet or work out. Guess what, nothing is free, I got a fat liver, bumpp.
    In 2007, I had a gastric ballon. Basically is a big ball they put in your stomach so you feel full pretty quickly, kind of gastric bypass but less invasive. This time I lost 28 kilos. From 132 down to 104. It was my smallest in my adulthood.. That time I learned to control my portions but again the drinking rampage make me gained back 30 kilos in over two years. Last December (2012), I was, as usual, planing my diet for the begining of the year, not really motivated and angry to life because God made me fat. My wife showed me a picture back in December 2008 at my smallest and I got really pissed at myself this time. I did not blame life or God or whatever, it was only my fault my stupid fault. Then a realised I had to do something different, something suistainable in time. I'm a Reservoir Engineer, basically we study reservoirs to maximize hydrocarbons production from these. The big basic principle in reservoir engineering is something named material balance. In a simplistic way, what is left in the reservoir is what you had originally minus whatever you have produced already. Does it sound familiar? Well the first time I read about calories in - calories out was last December. Of course, it inmediately clicked on me. I also thought what a stupid engineer I was, it's a very basic concept, that's what I do for living but never apply to myself. Dumb, really dumb. Anyways, I have managed to lose since early January 2013 almost 40 kilos but healthy this time. I'm happy, I'm not starving myself and I can drink yayyy. I do it in moderation of course but I do it. This time I know I'm not gonna put those Kilos back. I know what I am doing, I know what works for me and I am really enjoying my life. And I forget to mention I love working out. This is my first time I actually got rid of my old/big clothes. I dropped from XXL to L in my shirts and from 42 to 34 in my pants. Something weird my underwear is still L, weird isn't it?.

    All the best in your journey. As somebody mentioned before, fitness is not a destination, is a journey
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    yes! i lost 30 lbs about four years ago, and then my grandmother, who was like my mom, passed away. gained 37 lbs back. now i'm down 50lbs again and have 20 more to go :)
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    I also have done the same thing. lost almost 100lbs down to 196 from 290. kept it off being active and eating well. But over the last year due to many excuses I put back on over 50. But no sweat.... I am back to making the right decisions. I know the results will follow.

    I blame no one. It was and is my fault. Success or failure!