25 Pounds by December 25th

I am looking for people who want to lose 25 pounds in 25 minutes a day by December 25th. I have 5 spots open for my group. Friend me or message me for more details. This group will give the workout you need along with emotional support and encouragement. I will be supplying a suggested diet to use while working on this challenge.



  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    That's right around 3 pounds/week, yes? Pretty aggressive. Good luck.
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    Thank you. I will be using the T25 workout. I have heard it is an aggressive workout that you see good results with :)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I have T25 and it is great. But 25 lbs by the end of the year is a huge goal, even for someone who has a lot to lose.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    3 pounds a week is WAY too quick. Unless you cut your calorie count to below what is healthy, you will not lose actual weight that quickly, even with an aggressive workout. Another big red flag is that you will be supplying a diet for people to use. How are you qualified to do this?

    I suggest eating health at a calorie deficit and setting more reasonable goals.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    The workout isT25 and a diet comes with it. Yeah 3 pounds a week is a lot and my not happen especially with the intense workout. Inches lost will be a better indicator of the weight lost. The diet that comes with it may have to be adjusted for people. For example, I am a diabetic so I have to make adjustments to a diet based on my insulin. I use Fitness pal to track my calories, but I use the suggested types of foods to make healthier choices for me. I am not a dietician and would never try to give that advice.

    We might need to adjust our goals. Regardless this will be an intense weight loss challenge with inches and pounds lost. I had someone compare the workout with T25 to the intensity of Cross Fit. It is an hours worth of workout in 25 minutes (going by the advertisement).
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    A more realistic goal would be 15 pounds by the 25th. Guess I didn't realize how soon Christmas would be here.

  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 123 Member
    A more realistic goal would be 15 pounds by the 25th. Guess I didn't realize how soon Christmas would be here.


    I was going to say go for 20 lb cut ... It should be ok as long as you dont lose any muscle.

    Have fun and Merry Early Christmas to you!
  • chantwizzle83
    chantwizzle83 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm gonna go with Beachbody coach and that Shakeology crap. No qualifications needed! LOL I used Turbo Fire (free) from YouTube and ate healthy and lost 15 lbs in 2 months. You don't need a ridiculous goal like 25lbs in 2 months. Just motivation.
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    I drink Shakeology because my doctor said it would be good for me. I am a diabetic, have hypothyroidism and lupus. Nutrition and exercise are so very important for me to extend my life. My A1C went from 8.1 to 6.6 with Shakeology being the only thing I changed. It might not be for everyone, but it works for me and that is the only proof I need. Who can argue against fitness......exercise is vital for everyone. Doesn't matter if you do something from Beachbody or if you are Sweatin to the Oldies. Get moving, eat healthy, and get fit. That is what is important! AND itt helps to have a support group. I am going to try T25 and would love to have a group of people doing the same thing so we can support each other through it.

    I have a Facebook page for anyone to join and share workouts, diet, recipes, nutrition tips, etc and it doesn't matter what diet you are following or what workout you are doing.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I am just coming off being sick for the last 7 weeks (long story, but not diet/weight related) and only lost about 3 pounds in that time. This puts me behind in my mini goal weight for Christmas - I have 24# to lose by 12/22 for a family reunion. I have a lot to lose & have I lost more than 3# in a week a few times since starting on MFP, but it was hard. I'm going to do my best to eat a little below my goal calories & exercise more - I started with fitness classes this week in addition to the swimming I've been doing. I agree that it's very aggressive, but I'm going for it. I figure even if I don't make it, I should be close and at least I will have tried. Ultimately if I can be at my mini goal weight by Jan 1, I will have succeeded since I planned to just maintain for the two weeks of Christmas holidays. So I'll just have to be extra good & stick to my diet through the holidays rather than letting loose and indulging a little.

    I'm not interested in joining your group, 'cuz I like to do my own thing, but best of luck to you in reaching your goals!
  • starvinkevin
    Psh Ive lost 25lbs in 5 weeks. Im in if you want to add me.
    That's right around 3 pounds/week, yes? Pretty aggressive. Good luck.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for being willing to look at the 25 pound goal and retool it to something more realistic. I think one of the biggest pitfalls a lot of us place upon ourselves is searching for a quick, large goal to 'motivate' versus looking at realistic, healthy goals. While you may be at the mental state to be okay with not hitting a target goal in the time allowed, for someone else, that may be the nail in the coffin on their fitness road (it shouldn't be, but it can be), so you're setting yourself and potentially others up to fail when you are too aggressive.

    I went with an 'under promise, over deliver' method for myself. I wanted 2 pounds a week, set myself for 1 pound per week (healthier alternative). I wanted to exercise 5 days a week, but I set my goal at 3x/week. I wanted to go all out on exercise, but I set myself at 30 minutes on a treadmill at a slow pace.

    By doing that, I started small, and let myself get mentally back in the game of healthy living and changing my old bad habits. Now, I am at a point that if I don't meet something, I know it's no big deal, and that I'm still doing the right thing and will get there eventually. But at the beginning, it may have been more tenuous, and by biting off more than I could chew and making unsustainable goals, I may have shot myself in the proverbial foot (again).

    Goals are great, don't get me wrong, and you shouldn't undercut yourself too much either, but in this lifestyle change journey, I think the biggest problem that we face on the goals front is overpromising to do things..."I'm going to replace one meal a day with a shake, never eat sugar again, cut out all these bad things, etc" and then three weeks or three months later we hate life because we've restricted unnecessarily and made something unsustainable, so whatever progress we have goes away either immediately or gradually. Same with exercise - you do too much too soon and you can burn out and have it backfire on you. Going from nothing to everything, especially with exercise and food changes combined can give short-term results but spell long-term disaster.

    I'm not knocking having a program like whatever it is you said you were going to do - sometimes we need to start there or use something like that to liven up or change up our path. In the long run though, I feel like the best and most sustainable pathway to health is exercising and eating within a healthy calorie range, but without unduly limiting our types of food or exercise.

    Best of luck in your goals!
  • starvinkevin
    If you cut carbs to less than 50 g/day you'll lose 25lbs in about
    ... 20 days without exercise. I've done it before and I wasn't starving. My record is 14lbs in 1.5 weeks with low carb + intermittent fasting + walking for an hour every morning fasted. Sure a lot was water weight but my abs finally popped out and I was eating 1500 cals/day so dont say you have to starve to hit your goals.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    My record is 14lbs in 1.5 weeks with low carb + intermittent fasting + walking for an hour every morning fasted.

    sounds nice and sustainable. solid plan is solid.
  • starvinkevin
    Gotta do what u gotta do for the beach - I only regained the weight cuz I started dating this chick and got comfortable.... Comfort/friendships really destroy motivation.
  • starvinkevin
    BTW when I said 5 weeks in my first post that was with a lot of running and high carb diet. I got super fit but compared to low carb weight loss was slower. But yeah I'm doing that now cuz I want to rebuild my endurance but if you want blitz weight loss do a low carb diet.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    BTW when I said 5 weeks in my first post that was with a lot of running and high carb diet. I got super fit but compared to low carb weight loss was slower. But yeah I'm doing that now cuz I want to rebuild my endurance but if you want blitz weight loss do a low carb diet.

    cool story. i esp. love how you blamed your gain on your relationship and comfort. i'm sure it had nothing do with the way you went about losing it in the first place.

    seacrest, out.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    3 pounds a week is WAY too quick. Unless you cut your calorie count to below what is healthy, you will not lose actual weight that quickly, even with an aggressive workout. Another big red flag is that you will be supplying a diet for people to use. How are you qualified to do this?

    I suggest eating health at a calorie deficit and setting more reasonable goals.


    I'd love to lose 25 by Christmas, that would put me well into onederland. But I believe that I'll sustain my loss better if it's 1.5 lb, 2 lb at most (per week), even for someone like me who could stand to lose over 60 lb still.
  • starvinkevin
    BTW when I said 5 weeks in my first post that was with a lot of running and high carb diet. I got super fit but compared to low carb weight loss was slower. But yeah I'm doing that now cuz I want to rebuild my endurance but if you want blitz weight loss do a low carb diet.

    cool story. i esp. love how you blamed your gain on your relationship and comfort. i'm sure it had nothing do with the way you went about losing it in the first place.

    seacrest, out.

    uh no cuz I've kept weight off that I lost that weight for up to two years but I was single. You're wrong if you're single you are motivated to get in shape to get a mate but when you fall in love you turn into a little wuss and let go of yourself - now tell me I'm wrong when the majority of couples you know show this behavior. The only time I've had a solid six pack for more than a year was when I was single and focused only on fitness.