Addicted and in denial....



  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    You're trying to lose 10lbs and sounds like that's all you've been working towards for a couple years... unless you are compensating with anorexic or bulimic behaviors, how do you figure you're addicted to food?
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I went through the same exact thing for so many years and still battle it when I get really stressed or am overly tired. In the beginning there is a feeling that you CAN'T beat this, but that is just your mind at work trying to find a way to keep avoiding the really is not reality. It is a defense mechanism to protect you from what you feel you could not emotionally handle.

    I had to face dealing with my past having both a rape and an abusive relationship of many years that left my self esteem so low that I thought I could never be strong enough to deal with things and overcome this and food was my only comfort. I went with the attitude of fake it til you make it because there was zero way I could convince myself that I could do this so I just went forward with blind faith that I would find the strength somehow. It took some time, but it got easier each day I got through without binging. It just takes one day or one hour at a time of defeating the binge.

    You can do this and anyone looking for some support feel free to add me.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I wish i could hug you! Realizing you are addicted is such a hard first step, many never take it. There is such a great group of supportive people on here-friend request them and let them be your safety net! This site iscworldqide-soneobe id ALWAYS online.

    Small steps are key. Think before snacking. Think-do ibneed this? Should i want it, or am i bored?

    You are rewiring the entire way you think-this will be a hard process. But you have people here to help!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Awesome post!!! This is how you do it...detox the thoughts...get them out of your head and writing them out is one way to do that!!!

    Next take it one day at a time! Set a goal for no donuts... journaling honestly...and then celebrate you successes one day at a time...

    Glad you're here!!!
  • lighteningjeanne855
    Please look up THE ELIMINATION DIET.
    Uncontrollable binging may be triggered by allergies--
    we actually CRAVE the foods to which we are allergic.

    I took stock of the kinds of foods which made me feel voracious!
    They are:
    refined sugar
    wheat, in any form
    corn, in any form
    dairy foods

    Some of these are infamous as allergens,
    and trigger binges which cannot be satisfied
    without over-stuffing one's stomach.

    I discovered that dairy products trigger
    arthritis pain in my knees and hands.

    Best wishes, everyone!