First Time on My Fitness Pal

Hi, all! I joined My Fitness Pal a few weeks ago. I found it through the Veteran's Administration MOVES program. It has been such a great tool for me.

I have never been thin a day in my adult life and I am starting to believe I might get there in the future thanks to this program. That sounds really corny, but it is true. I have never had the ability to track my calories in my head. I have learned that I historically alternate between grossly overeating and grossly undereating. This has resulted in my weight yo-yoing over a 70 pound range several times.

Now that I can actually see and evaluate what I am eating I am learning portion control and how much and what kinds of foods I should be eating to live at a healthy weight. Perhaps for the first time I dont feel a lot of anxiety about what I do or don't eat.


  • Matt_C_195
    Matt_C_195 Posts: 72 Member
    It does make all the difference to be able to accurately track everything you're eating! Once I started measuring and tracking, I realized how far off I always was in trying to estimate portions.
    This is going to make all the difference for you!
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    Yay!!! If you're diligent about it, it will only be helpful in the long run -- you'll be able to identify any items you're eating that "sound" great but might have more sugar or sodium than you'd like to consume.

    I know that using it religiously has really helped me identify patterns - I try to repeat the successful ones and tweak the not-so-successful diary entries. :-D

    Welcome and congrats!