Life got in the way but I'm back again!

Hey everyone in a 23 year old who was doing great then well life got in the way. I broke up with a boyfriend moved bought a house started a new job life and relationship. But now I want together back on track! With all these changes I started to work night 5p to 5a so now my diet consist of a lot of candy pop and fast food and I need to change this! Now with owning a house my money tight so my food is unhealthy and cheap like roman noodles.


  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Welcome back. Sounds like you have had a lot going on. You can make things like a pot of soup and freeze it and you will have lunch for a week. A slow cooker can be your friend. There are hundreds of recipes out there. Bring your lunch and some healthy snacks to work instead of hitting the vending machines and fast food places. You can do this.